Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 60 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 60 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (original plot)

Shen Zhao felt that his body was getting colder and colder. He wanted to recall some happy moments, but found that there were none.

The corner of his mouth twitched, his faint smile was extremely bitter.

It turned out that there was really no trace of sweetness in his memories.

In fact, he really wanted to ask his mother Xu Wei, what did she like about Shen Yan?It was the deep love that made her give birth to him before she was married.

It's just that all of this cannot be changed after all.His birth was a mistake.

Slowly, Shen Zhao closed his eyes.

I heard that when people die, they will quickly recall this life, Shen Zhao doesn't want to recall, it's too painful.

At this time, he seemed to have a dream, and the dream was a different scene from reality.

In the dream, at the police station that day, Song Lianqiao not only came, but also patted his head and said it was all right, my aunt came.It's really strange, Shen Zhao also saw himself in the dream explaining, even a little shy.

In the dream, Shen Xingzhi still liked Song Lianqiao, but this time she didn't say she liked him, but she just rejected Shen Xingzhi sternly.

For some reason, even though he was dreaming, Shen Zhao still felt that his heart was moving.

Sure enough, the self in the dream fought for Song Lianqiao and Shen Xingzhi, and even got wet in the rain foolishly, hugging her waist and begging her not to leave.Then in the bathroom...

Shen Zhao was shy, what was he dreaming about in his dreams.

He obviously didn't like Song Lianqiao, so why did he treat Song Lianqiao like this in his dream?


Before the dream was over, Shen Zhao saw that Song Lianqiao said that he didn't like Shen Xingzhi and was willing to give himself a chance!
He's about to have a girlfriend?

Shen Zhao's body became colder, his consciousness became more lax, but the smile on his mouth was deeper.It turns out that I can have such a sweet dream after I die, which is great.

Later, Shen Zhao saw in his dream that he was admitted to University A, became a medical student, received a doctorate, and finally became a doctor!
The profession he aspires to.

What makes Shen Zhao even more embarrassed is that in his dream he also married Song Lianqiao. Although there was a little accident on the wedding night, the two finally had an extremely intimate thing the next day.

In the dream, he was really happy.

The dream is still going on.

He and Song Lianqiao had a pair of lovely twins in the second year of their marriage.Boys are like him, girls are like her.A family of four envies others.

In the dream, he and her knew each other and loved each other, and their sons and daughters were well-behaved and sensible.

After No. 18 years of marriage, he finally got angry.There is no other reason, it is my daughter who fell in love early!
Shen Zhao felt that he was dying of anger, which pig dared to push his own cabbage?

Later, as an old father, he tearfully handed over his precious daughter's hand to another man, really reluctant.

Dreams are too real.

It was so real that Shen Zhao felt as if he had experienced it himself.

His body was getting colder and colder, and he knew he was going to die.

But he has no regrets at all.

If you ask him if this life is a little bit sweet?Yes, it was just that illusory dream...

Shen Zhao died and his body was found by the police three days later.

"Captain Li, why is he laughing?"


"Why do you care so much? You are also a poor man. Report the situation to the leader and let the leader decide how to deal with the corpse."

Shen Zhao's ashes were finally taken back by an old man for burial.

The old man stood in front of his grave and sighed: "Son, although you have done a lot of bad things in this life, you have also saved a lot of people. Why don't you pay off your merits and demerits, remember to keep your eyes open and find a good person to reincarnate in your next life..."

 Chapter 4 today~
  Lian Qiao is the only sweet in Shen Zhao's life.

(End of this chapter)

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