Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 603 The Moon Doesn't Sleep, I Don't Sleep

Chapter 603 The Moon Doesn’t Sleep, I Don’t Sleep (7)

Wu Chen didn't say anything, Lian Qiao sighed softly: "All the way down Jiangnan, you said you are a monk, and I am a weak woman who has been kidnapped even though she has not been out of the court. Isn't this combination a bit strange?"

After tossing and turning last night, Wu Chen has figured it out.Is it more than a strange match?It was strange when the abbot told him that the fate of the world was not over. Later, in the bamboo forest with few people, it was strange to meet Tan Lianqiao bathing in the hot spring.When it came time to take her back to the bamboo house, it was also strange to meet that demon catcher.

Now he even offered to send Lian Qiao back to Jiangnan. In short, what is not surprising about all these things?
So there is another word in this world, which is called not to be surprised.

So he lit the incense in the cauldron and said calmly, "What do you think the girl should do?"

"It's simple. Let's just say that I come from Jiangnan. Firstly, I traveled thousands of miles to come to Jing'an Temple to offer incense, and secondly, to visit relatives whom I haven't seen for a long time. As a result, I got separated from the servant girl on the way, and luckily the young master rescued me. Then you and I hit it off. , this time is to go to my house to propose marriage."

Wu Chen shook his head: "It's bad for the girl's reputation."

"I've been abducted here, what good reputation do I have? Besides, if you go to my house to propose marriage, my parents may not agree. Where will you go back then, as long as I don't cry and shout with you It’s okay to elope.”

Come, come, I'll give you the pen, and you can write.

Lian Qiao's words were high-sounding, and Wu Chen blushed inexplicably. "That's all, it's just like brother and sister."

The same is to come to Jing'an Temple to offer incense, and also to visit relatives whom I haven't seen for a long time, but I never mention marriage proposals.

Lian Qiao guessed that Wu Chen would not agree, but it doesn't matter, brothers and sisters are fine too.

It's called... wanting to be caught.

It is hard for him to evade the brother-sister relationship that Wu Chen voluntarily mentioned.

So amidst the soft voice of his elder brother, Wu Chen pinched his brows.

Where is this younger sister, she is clearly a seductive goblin...

Coincidentally, in the past, it might take half a month to meet a caravan, but Wu Chen met the right one on the third day.

Lian Qiao didn't have any belongings, so Wu Chen brought two changes of clothes, bought two clothes for her at the tailor shop down the mountain, packed some dry food and pockets, and hurried to the pier at the appointed time.

Caravans returning to the south of the Yangtze River usually travel by water. Although the journey is slower, the chances of encountering bandits and villains on the way will be much smaller.

It was the first time for Lian Qiao to take a plane, drive a car, and take a long boat.

"A little dizzy."

Lian Qiao raised her eyes and looked at the receding trees on both sides of the river, feeling like a seaweed swaying in the water without any support, and the uncomfortable feeling came like waves of the river.

Wu Chen supported her at the right time, "Are you okay? I'll help you sit over there for a while."

He was glad he didn't let Lian Qiao go back to Jiangnan alone, but with him... it seemed that he could only watch her suffer.

"It's the girl's first time on a boat, so it's normal that she's not used to it. Just bear with it, and she'll be fine in two or three days." The boss of the caravan, Di Lung, is a middle-aged man who has traveled far and wide, speaking with a Jiangnan accent. He also has the boldness and loyalty of the people in the rivers and lakes.

"Boss, you can't say that. Mr. Song has traveled back and forth with us so many times, and he is vomiting and diarrhea."

The one who spoke was Yuqiu, the second-in-command in the caravan, who knew a little bit of medical skills. Although she was young, she was the most warm-hearted among the caravan.

Saying that, Yuqiu tied a sachet around Lianqiao's waist. "Don't be disgusted, this sachet has a strong smell, but it still has some effect on seasickness."


(End of this chapter)

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