Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 609 The Moon Doesn't Sleep, I Don't Sleep

Chapter 609 The Moon Doesn’t Sleep, I Don’t Sleep (13)

If Wu Chen was not around, Lian Qiao could make up another story, but considering Wu Chen who was left behind by Tan Zhou, Lian Qiao could only honestly speak out what she had discussed with Wu Chen.

After returning to the Tan Mansion, Tan's mother, Su Hua, struggled to get up and also had to look at her daughter.

A trembling hand caressed Lianqiao's cheek, and big tears rolled down her face.

After listening to Tan Zhou's explanation, the grief in Su Hua's heart could not be added. "My Qiaoqiao is suffering, and those human traffickers will die! Master, although Qiaoqiao is back, she still needs to be investigated! If she is found and beaten to death with a stick, she will not be wronged if she dies!"

Before Su Hua came out of the cabinet, he was a lady of everyone, and he never said a serious word.Now Tan Zhou sees her haggard from worrying day and night, and now she is saying that she will beat the traffickers to death with a stick, and her heart hurts like being pricked by a needle.

He sighed softly, "Don't worry, I will continue to investigate. As long as they are human traffickers, they will be killed on the spot without mercy!"

Although this set of rhetoric was made up, Lian Qiao felt... those human traffickers who were about to be killed by Tan Zhou deserved it!

Although the original owner killed 99 people, they were all vicious people.Except for the last virtuous king, no one took them seriously.But what the traffickers hurt is a family. In comparison, what some people do is even more terrifying than demons!
After Su Hua calmed down, Tan Zhou asked cautiously: "Qiaoqiao, tell daddy the truth, you and that young master..."

As a father, Tan Zhou was not easy to ask some questions, but he was worried that Su Hua's body would not be able to bear it, so he could only ask tactfully.

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, "Father, elder brother Wu Chen treated me very well. He took me in and escorted me all the way to the south of the Yangtze River. Without him, I don't know what would have happened."

Tan Zhou recalled Wu Chen's appearance. Judging from his appearance, he really didn't look like a villain.Besides, when he was at the pier just now, Tan Zhou remembered that he clearly wanted to leave quietly.

At that time, Su Hua spoke, "So, Mr. Wu is indeed our family's benefactor. Master, where is he?"

"He is in a restaurant, and he dare not bring him back without knowing the situation." Tan Zhou stroked his beard, and said, "It's just pretty, you two..."

Su Hua immediately understood what Tan Zhou meant, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it a private decision for life..."

"Probably not, that Mr. Wu was planning to leave just now, and I was the one who asked him to stay."

Before Lian Qiao could speak, the husband and wife had already chatted.

"Qiaoqiao, then who are the two of you..." When Tan Zhou asked this question again, he added: "Your mother and I are not old-fashioned. It is very important to us that you can come back now." Consolation. We will discuss other things slowly, in short, you can tell us if you have any ideas, just don't do stupid things."

When discussing with Wu Chen earlier, what Lian Qiao said was to propose marriage, and Wu Chen used the identity of brother and sister in order to avoid proposing marriage.But now facing the Tan family, what the brothers and sisters said is simply absurd.

So Lian Qiao hesitated for a while, and said: "Brother Wu Chen and I are innocent, and he happens to be from Jiangnan, so this trip back to Jiangnan can be regarded as a revisit. In short... In short, he has no intention of that for me for the time being. "

Lian Qiao doesn't intend to kidnap Wu Chen morally.

Hearing this, Tan Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wu Chen is not interested in Qiaoqiao for the time being, does that mean that Qiaoqiao is interested in him...


(End of this chapter)

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