Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 634 The Moon Never Sleeps: Song Qinzhang

Chapter 634 The Moon Never Sleeps: Song Qin
After Song Qin returned to the East Palace, he locked himself in the room for several days.

He admitted that Yao Mianmian was an accident in his life, she broke into his life unexpectedly, and left a strong mark in his life.

Song Qin asked himself, if Yao Mianmian really disappeared from his life, would he feel happy.

the answer is negative.

Although Song Qin didn't want to admit it, he knew that he just fell in love with a banshee who forced him for nothing.

Whether it was the dignified and elegant concubine Yao Sijin, or the gentleness and carelessness of the side concubine, Song Qin felt that Yao Mianmian was not half as good.

After falling in love with someone, it is often unreasonable.I think she is good, I think she is better than anyone else.

A few days later, Song Qin rushed to Jiangnan again.Seeing him coming again, Tan Zhou couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

Song Qin was also very helpless, "Prefect Tan, I promise this is the last time."

Lian Qiao was not surprised by Song Qin's arrival, but what gave her a headache was that Yao Mianmian just gave her the inner alchemy a few days ago, but she fell ill gorgeously when the cold wind blew it.

Lian Qiao wanted to return the inner alchemy to her, or use spells to help her heal her illness, but Yao Mianmian refused righteously, saying that she wanted to adapt to the life of ordinary people in advance.

Lian Qiao: "..."

If you don't have inner alchemy, just wear more clothes, it's no wonder you don't catch cold in such a few clothes.

So when Song Qin saw Yao Mianmian, it was a picture of a beauty lying on a sick bed.

Slightly pale cheeks, slender eyebrows, and melancholy eyes, she looks like a sickly beauty from all sides.

Of course, this was Yao Mianmian in Song Qin's eyes.Because in Lian Qiao's eyes, she is just a showman.In desperation, Lian Qiao could only use spells to protect the child, and let them do the rest.

After Lian Qiao left the room, Song Qin was really stunned. "Do demons get sick too?"

Yao Mianmian put one hand behind her head, lay on her side, and said slowly, "Monsters can't, people can."


"Song Qin, let me officially inform you. This fox demon is already pregnant with your child, and plans to live with you as a mortal for decades."

As she said that, Yao Mianmian raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes seemed to say, "Little boy, why don't you thank the Lord for your kindness?"

Song Qin's heart skipped a beat.

Pregnant with his child, living with him for decades?
It turned out that Yao Mianmian had already arranged everything.He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, "Have you figured it out?"

Yao Mianmian nodded.

She still remembers that day in the hot spring deep in the bamboo forest, she said to Lian Qiao, "Qiaoqiao, I have my eyes on that demon catcher."

Then Lian Qiao said, "But he will kill you."

Yao Mianmian also remembered his answer. "He will fall in love with me."

At this moment, Yao Mianmian reached out and lifted Song Qin's chin. "So, are you in love with me?"

Song Qin didn't speak, just lowered his head and kissed Yao Mianmian's lips.

This was the first time in a long time that he took the initiative to kiss her.

If it's love if she doesn't want to leave her, if she scratches her ears and cheeks after she leaves, it's love, if seeing her again can sweep away the previous irritability is love, then Song Qin feels...he has really fallen.

Fallen completely.

Lian Qiao waited outside the room for a long time, until the flowers withered, and finally waited for the two of them to come out.

Yao Mianmian stretched out her arms to hug Lianqiao, and said with a smile, "Honey, I'm leaving."

Lian Qiao chuckled: "Let's go, can I still stop you? Remember to ask His Royal Highness to dismiss the harem, so don't delay the little girl."

"Okay." Song Qin said.


 Try my best to write Wu Chen's side story again, if I can't write it, I can only post it to the next plane~~
(End of this chapter)

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