Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 637 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 637 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (2)

When the plane opened, Lian Qiao found that she was wearing a black cloak, and she was indeed wearing a mask under the cloak.

She looked around and found herself in a shop again.The name of the shop is very easy to understand, because its name is: the shop opened by the Great Demon King.

Lian Qiao: "..."

I'm afraid that others will not know whether this shop is opened by her or what.

This shop is also strange to say, because it opens the door to welcome customers, but it only welcomes men.As for other shops on Fairy Tale Continent, men are prohibited from entering.

In short, the Great Demon King only deals with men, filling a gap in the market, so he makes a lot of money.

Lian Qiao: "..."

I didn't expect the Demon King to be quite business-minded.

System: [Host, the store opened by the Great Demon King not only has a different customer base from other stores, but also sells different items.The things she sells are intimate and useful.To give a typical example, please refer to the sanitary products used by girls in other planes for special monthly periods. ]
Lian Qiao was so excited that she almost laughed out loud. [So this plane has a special period for men, so the child is also a man? ]
The system looked at the data. [yes. ]
[Then I don’t understand, if the Great Demon King doesn’t sell these things, wouldn’t men in Fairy Tale Land have no hygiene products? ]

System: [Yes, everyone thinks this is a shameful, unclean or even ominous thing, so no one is willing to spend time and energy on researching how to make men spend the special period more comfortably.Some men with good financial conditions can buy sanitary products in the shop opened by the big devil. If the family has no money, they can only use homemade cloth strips...]
[This is too pitiful, why is the normal physiological phenomenon so ominous? ] Lian Qiao rested her chin on her hands, and asked again: [Is the price of the big devil very expensive? ]
The system nodded: [It is indeed expensive. ]
[Then can we lower the price to a price that ordinary people can afford. ]
The money earned is less, but she is not short of money.

The system nodded again: [Yes host. ]
While Lian Qiao was still chatting with the system, a thin and big boy suddenly knocked on the door, and then hurriedly said: "My lord, there are a few princes who are arguing outside, and a lot of things have been destroyed during the pushing and shoving!"

"How many princes?" Lian Qiao suddenly became interested, thinking that the current princes are already cheap enough to grab a lot.

The boy pursed his lips and explained, "Besides Prince Chaoyang and Prince Snow White from the Apple Country, there are three other princes from other countries."

Lian Qiao hummed, "I'll go and have a look."

Although it is a shop, the Great Demon King is the Great Demon King after all. Not only does the shop occupy a large area, but the decoration is also first-class and gorgeous.

So if Lian Qiao hadn't known in advance that this was a shop, she might have thought it was a... magnificent palace.

The Great Demon King was originally the richest woman in this plane, but Lian Qiao's status as the richest man in the Fairy Tale Continent was even more confirmed after she came to this plane.

System: [Host, briefly mention the setting of this plane.In this plane, the princess is the embodiment of justice and bravery, so she can defeat the devil with evil power by virtue of this noble personality charm.

To be honest, there are actually only two types of people with supernatural powers in this plane, one is the devil king, which is you as the host.The other is the witch man, but the witch man doesn't show up much. ]

(End of this chapter)

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