Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 650 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 650 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (15)

Prince Chaoyang didn't know what happened, Xunsheng looked down at his hands.He saw dark red scars spreading on the back of his hand, and his complexion changed drastically! "my hand!"

When Princess Knife Shadow proposed, the queen and queen also appeared in the center of the palace.

At this time, the queen was shocked: "Chaoyang, what's wrong with you? My child!"

The guests talked a lot, the empress winked at the commander of the guards, and said: "The prince has had some accidents, in order to protect everyone's safety, and to find out the truth earlier, I hope you all stay safe and stay where you are so as not to Hurt."

What the queen said was to stay where she was as much as possible, but in fact the guards had already surrounded the palace.Prince Peony was also taken aback, and it was too late when he wanted to leave.

Lian Qiao and Chu Han were sitting in the corner watching a play, when the Queen suddenly asked, "Where is Snow White?"

Just as Chu Han was about to get up, Lian Qiao grabbed his wrist. "She can't see you, sit down."

Chuhan hesitated for a moment, and sat down obediently.So the guard beside the queen said: "If you go back to the queen, it seems that Prince Snow White has already left the palace."

The queen nodded slightly, "Please invite the doctor into the palace."

"Yes, Queen."

Lian Qiao, who was watching a good show at that time, couldn't help but smile: "Your brother's hands are like that, your mother's first reaction was not to ask for a doctor, but to find you."

Chuhan was actually surprised.

After the doctor came, he dawdled for a long time but failed to give a cure.I don't know how long it has passed, but the guests are already impatiently waiting, and what barely supports them to continue waiting is a heart that is keen on gossip!
After a while, an older doctor said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, Prince Chaoyang's hand... We really can't do anything."

Compared with the heart-wrenching experience many years ago, this time the queen obviously didn't have much reaction.She only frowned slightly, and lifted her lips: "Another curse from the wizard?"

The imperial doctor shook his head, "It's not like a curse, but like poisoning. Your Majesty, I dare to remind you that the person who poisoned may still be hiding among the guests! If anyone has close contact with Prince Chaoyang, they should be carefully investigated. "

The gossip of the guests present was satisfied, but they still ate melons after all.

Many people quickly waved their hands: "Your Majesty, we haven't touched Prince Chaoyang! The prince's body is a daughter of gold, and the clothes on his body are the treasures of the devil's shop. Even if you lend me ten guts, you won't dare to touch him." !"

"That's it!"


The treasure of the store in the devil's shop...

After being mentioned by others, the queen noticed the gorgeous clothes on Prince Chaoyang.

At that time, Prince Chaoyang was a little guilty, and immediately leaned into the empress's arms crying, and said pitifully: "It hurts so much, my hand hurts so much..."

The queen lifted his sleeves carefully and was shocked: "Your Majesty, the scar on Chaoyang's hand has spread to his arm! You should think of a way, Chaoyang still wants to marry! Princess Knife Shadow, Princess Knife Shadow, you Think of a way too!"

Under such circumstances, the queen did not forget to pull Princess Knife Shadow up, and the latter frowned slightly, looking displeased.

This kind of thing happened suddenly during the marriage proposal. She gave Prince Chaoyang a disgusted look, and said to the queen: "Your Majesty, Prince Snow White was cursed by a wizard before, and he still has flaws on his body. Now Prince Chaoyang has been poisoned again. I Princess Daoying of the Putao Country wants to marry your country, and she doesn’t even care about Prince Chaoyang’s life experience. But now he has a problem, the Queen should not make things difficult for her.”


(End of this chapter)

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