Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 662 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 662 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (27)

Empress Ulan's words were a bit harsh, and Prince Peony hurriedly explained: "Mother, don't talk nonsense, Lord Demon King has never provoked me, we are innocent and have nothing to do with love!"

"It has nothing to do with love? I think she doesn't like you at all. If she likes you, what can you say about innocence! People would rather like a flawed prince than you, so why should you talk to me?" Live in a daze behind her?
Peony, you are my child, the prince of the orange country, you should not be a joke! "

Queen Ulan's words deeply hurt Prince Peony's heart, his eyes turned red instantly, and then he looked at Lianqiao: "I don't, I don't..."

He didn't have any other thoughts about Lord Devil King, because from the first day he knew Lord Devil King, he knew that Lord Devil King liked Snow White!
Lian Qiao nodded, "I know."

It was precisely because he knew that he was kept in the shop for so long.

I really can't bear Prince Peony to follow the original plot, Lian Qiao said to Empress Wulan: "I have a few points to say, Prince Peony and I are friends, it has nothing to do with love, please don't use some words to hurt you My son's heart. You can't hurt me, it's him who hurts.

Furthermore, he didn't say he wouldn't marry, he just didn't want to marry Princess Tu Ming.Whether it is suitable or not, you have nothing to say, only he knows.Rather than forcing him to marry a woman he doesn't like and end up depressed, it's better to give him some time and accompany him to find the right person.

Empress, as a mother, you should shield him from the wind and rain instead of bringing him a bloody storm. "

Persecution in the name of love, Lian Qiao felt that it was not good.Understanding, communication, any kind of method is milder than persecution.

At that time, Prince Peony was already on the verge of tears, he turned around, leaned on Chu Han's shoulder and secretly wiped his tears.

Some people are as fragile on the outside as they are strong on the inside.

Chu Han patted his back and whispered, "Don't cry, I support you too."

These words fell into his ears, Prince Peony burst into tears, and then hugged Chuhan's waist directly.

Lian Qiao: "..."

At the moment in the lounge of the shop, Empress Ulan saw Lian Qiao explaining the truth to Prince Peony, and Chu Han comforting him, while Nuo Yang who followed behind did not speak, but also looked worried.

She seemed to understand why Prince Peony wanted to stay in this shop.Thinking about it carefully, in the entire palace of Tangerine Kingdom, there are not many people who are sincere to him.

After an unknown amount of time, Empress Ulan finally said to Prince Peony: "I don't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for you to stay in this shop. If I had known today, I would have made up for the compensation as soon as possible. superior."

Compared with money, son is naturally more important.

"The matter has come to this, you should think about it again. Mudan, you still have more than two years, don't let me down."

On the evening when Queen Ulan left, Prince Peony suddenly developed a high fever.Although he took the medicine in time, his overall condition was still not very good.

Chuhan came out wearing an invisibility cloak that day, so even if he didn't go back, he wouldn't know.So when Prince Peony had a fever, he insisted on grabbing Chuhan's clothes.

Lian Qiao pursed her lips: "Why don't you stay, and I'll take you back tomorrow."

Prince Peony was in a daze at the moment, holding on to Chuhan's clothes again, he thought for a while, and said, "Okay."

It's not good for Lord Demon King to take care of Prince Peony himself. Nuoyang has other things to do, so it's better for him to stay.


(End of this chapter)

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