Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 667 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 667 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (32)

Lian Qiao asked Nuo Yang to see off the guests, and blocked Dao Ying's hysterical voice from the door.

Nuo Yang hesitated for a long time before saying: "My lord, the Queen's eyes just now seemed complicated. If you want to marry Snow White..."

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, "It doesn't matter, the devil not only catches boys to serve as appetizers, but the ultimate goal is to catch a delicate and beautiful prince."

"Come to warm the bed?" Prince Peony answered subconsciously.

Lian Qiao glanced at him, "Your thoughts are so dirty at such a young age."

Peony Prince: "..."

That's what the rumors say.

Who knew that Lord Demon King really liked Snow White.


After such a toss, Princess Knife Shadow lost an arm, and the other princesses of the Portuguese country were secretly happy, and they were secretly competing for the seat of the heir to the Queen of the Portuguese country.

In a country like the Portuguese country, either there will be a second powerful woman like Princess Knife and Shadow to suppress the audience, or there will be internal fighting, and the royal family will become a mess until the national power is exhausted in the internal fighting.

Meanwhile, Prince Chaoyang and Queen Chaoyang are suffering in the palace.A few days later, the queen finally came to Chuhan's room in plain clothes, her eyes darkened: "How long have you been with Lord Demon King?"

In fact, Chuhan hadn't spoken to the queen for a long time, he lifted his lips: "How long has it been?"

"How long have you been together?"

"We're not together yet."

"Who are you fooling?" The Queen's tone suddenly fluctuated. "If you weren't together, why did she want to avenge you? You should have been together for a long time on the sixth day of June, right? You have flaws, have you already given your body to her?"

Chuhan went from being sad at the beginning, to forbearance, and then to relief.When the queen finished speaking, his eyes were already calm.

He misses his father so much.

If the father is still alive, will the mother love him and love him, will she only have him in her heart and no Chaoyang.

"Mom, what are you trying to say?"

Is it as simple as just to question whether his body is innocent?

The queen waved her sleeves. "The past has passed, and I will make up for you in the future, but I hope you can ask Lord Demon King. You are just bloodshot, they are more painful than you."

Prince Chaoyang and Empress hadn't recovered for a day, and their pain and wailing could be heard throughout the palace.

Chuhan just smiled.

The past has passed.

He shook his head, and calmly said: "I can't make it through, my red blood is still there, and if they are wrong, they are wrong."

The queen naturally knew this truth. "But you shouldn't seduce Lord Demon King. If there is anything we can discuss in private, she is an outsider after all!"

Chu Han lowered his eyes: "She is not an outsider, she is the only one who can avenge me. Mother, can you?"

Can you avenge me?


Because the adopted son who has been raised for so many years already has feelings.

Chuhan held a piece of paper in his hand, on which was written a spell.Within three years, if he recites the incantation, the cursed Chaoyang Prince, Empress and Empress will all die suddenly.If he doesn't read it out, he will become a wizard.

These are the two paths that the mysterious man gave him. He can't bargain, he can only make a choice.

And because Chuhan was reluctant to part with the queen, he still hasn't recited the spell to this day.

He still has two years left.

Now it seems that in the queen's heart, his biological son is nothing more than that.

 good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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