Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 669 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 669 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (34)

Chuhan's footsteps paused.

He suddenly remembered what the Lord Demon King had said to Prince Peony that day in his room.

She said she came from another world and came here specifically to find him.

She said she would marry him when he was 20.

Chuhan turned his head and looked at the queen with complicated eyes.

The queen thought he had been persuaded, and hit the iron while it was hot: "Chuhan, Lord Demon King's hands are covered with blood. A vicious person like her will never give you a stable life. Mother has asked Tongxin to choose for you. There are quite a few suitable women, although they are not as rich as the Demon King, they will definitely make your life smooth!"

For a man, stability is the most important thing.

Chu Han pursed his lips: "Will they dislike me?"

The queen paused, "They dare not!"

"Master Demon King will not despise me."

One does not dare, the other does not.

Chu Han turned and left with his things in his hands, the queen beckoned, the coldness returned in her eyes, and then the guards behind surrounded Chu Han.

"It's impossible for me to let you get mixed up with the devil. My apple country can't afford to lose face! Chu Han, stay by your mother's side obediently, and mother will arrange everything for you!" As soon as the queen finished speaking, one of the guards tried to Step forward and grab his arm.

At this moment, the guard was suddenly overturned to the ground by a force.Then, Lian Qiao in a black cloak appeared in front of Chu Han.

She didn't know that Chu Han would face off against the empress today, and she just came to the palace to take a look around and bring a piece of clothing for Chu Han.

The early winter wind was already chilling, Lian Qiao opened the box in her hand.Then he took out a light blue cloak inside.

The cloak is fluffy and looks very warm.Cyan appears vibrant, especially fresh in this desolate season.

Seeing that Chu Han was only wearing an autumn robe, Lian Qiao put the cloak on him.

His demeanor tends to be cold and melancholy. Wearing this light blue cloak, he has a sense of detachment and independence.

Lian Qiao shook her head, "Good-looking is good-looking, but the temperament is too cold and alienated. You can try light yellow next time."

What bright colors.

After speaking, Lian Qiao turned to look at the queen: "Why, is it a shame to be with me?"

Everyone knows the strength of the Demon King, but everyone knows it. At this moment, Lian Qiao is free to come and go in the palace at will, and the Queen still feels that her face is dull.What's more, who knows how many times she came to the palace to find Chu Han, and what did she do?Then he frowned and said, "Master Demon King, this is the palace of my apple country!"

Lian Qiao nodded, "I know, it's not the first time I'm here, why are you so excited."

While speaking, she took the things in Chu Han's hand and raised her eyebrows: "Want to go out?"

If she hadn't come, Chu Han would have run away from home.It may even be caught by the guards, which becomes an attempted escape.

Sighing softly, she said, "Just let me know if you want to leave here, and I'll come pick you up. The room has already been cleaned up. If you don't like it, we can change to a bigger one."

At that time, the empress had already turned blue. "Devil King, pay attention to the rules in everything. You took him away before he was hired. Have you considered Chuhan's reputation?"

Lian Qiao originally planned to wait until Chu Han turned 20 before proposing marriage, but she didn't expect the incident to happen suddenly today, so she could only follow along and say, "What does the empress mean, if I'm hired, you can take him away? As long as you agree For this marriage, not to mention three matchmakers, six hires, and eight palanquins, I can spend money to build another palace for you."

The Apple Country Palace took a long time to build, and it is still the most luxurious palace on the Fairy Tale Continent so far.


(End of this chapter)

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