Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 675 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 675 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (40)

Lian Qiao didn't know Princess Porcelain, so she asked one more question: "This is?"

"My lord, this is the enamel princess of Apple Country."

Lian Qiao seems to have learned all about Princess Porcelain from Peony Prince.I heard that she is the eldest princess of Apple Country, and I heard that she went to the frontier alone many years ago.

"The princess is leaving?" Lian Qiao guessed that she had already met Chu Han, and Chu Han did not agree to leave with her.

Porcelain had never dealt with the Lord Demon King before, and now that he bumped into him head-on, he could only say, "It's too late, I'll visit another day."

Lian Qiao hummed, and didn't say any more, before leaving, she just told Nuo Yang to close the door.

Just came back from outside, Lian Qiao felt the chill on her clothes.After taking a shower and changing clothes, Lian Qiao went to Chuhan's room.

The light was on in the room, and the door was quickly opened after knocking on the door.

When Chu Han saw it was her, he hurriedly said, "Master Demon King, it's a bit inconvenient for me..."

He thought someone else had brought him laundry soap, so he opened the door directly.

Lian Qiao smiled, "What's the inconvenience for you?"


Chu Han didn't know what to say, when the person who brought him laundry soap came over, greeted Lian Qiao respectfully, and handed the things to him.

Seeing that it was laundry soap, Lian Qiao smiled and said, "It's just laundry soap, what's the inconvenience?"

After entering the room, Lian Qiao saw the basin of clothes soaked in the basin, and finally understood why Chu Han said it was inconvenient.

Prince Peony has an extremely punctual menstrual period, and once a month it hurts, and the pain makes his whole face pale.The early cold is extremely irregular, occasionally a little uncomfortable, but there is no other discomfort.

Lian Qiao closed the door and said, "Are you going to wash your clothes? Give me the laundry soap."

Chuhan was embarrassed: "No, no, no, this won't work."

He had never heard that any woman in Fairy Tale Land would touch these bloody underwear.

Lian Qiao was still indifferent, and tried some water temperature with her hand, it wasn't bone-chillingly cold, but it was already a little cold. "It's okay, it's better not to touch cold water these few days."

His body is not very good, and his body is cold, so he still needs to take good care of it.

What's more... In a plane that Chuhan didn't know, he also washed her clothes.What she did for Chuhan in this plane must have been taken care of.

Taking care of each other and supporting each other is the way husband and wife get along.

When Lian Qiao was doing laundry, Chu Han sat beside her feeling a little anxious.

He even fell into a panic, how could he let Lord Demon King wash these clothes for him!How can it be!
After Lian Qiao finished drying the clothes, Chuhan still didn't recover from the coma.

"Go to bed earlier, the Chinese New Year will be in a few days. I will take you to the hot spring on New Year's Eve, it will be good for your health."

Chu Han nodded, and then said softly: "It will be nearly six months before I turn 20..."

Half a year is really too long.

He will become a wizard in less than two years, and the wizard will no longer have the ability to reproduce.

Chu Han felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

Lian Qiao froze for a moment, "So?"

"So we must wait until the age of 20 before we can really be together..."

When he said this, Chu Han lowered his head, subconsciously grasping the hem of his clothes with his fingers.

Lian Qiao didn't think that Chu Han couldn't wait to marry her, but felt that he had something to hide.

Sitting next to Chuhan, she said slowly: "Chuhan, if what you want to talk about is about men and women, or even about having children, I don't feel in a hurry. You are not too old, you can wait Wait.

But if you have something to hide from me, my advice is to tell me.Some things you can't solve, maybe I can.Since you have chosen me as your wife, I have an obligation to protect you. "

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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