Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 677 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 677 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (42)

Chuhan shook his head violently. "No, although my elder sister is older, she is the best princess in my heart!"

Outsiders say that Princess Daoying is both civil and military, because they only see Daoying playing a good knife at the banquet, but they forget that enamel has guarded the frontier for decades.

In terms of strength and appearance, enamel is no worse than Dao Ying at all.

Lian Qiao nodded, "Knife shadow and porcelain glaze are indeed not at the same level. With the current strength of porcelain glaze, it is also possible to directly ascend to the position of queen. As for Prince Peony..."

Lian Qiao commented truthfully: "Although on the surface he is bluffing, reckless, crying and coquettish, but he is kind in nature, and overall he is quite a cute child. What's more valuable is that he has his own unique insights when he encounters problems. Know exactly what you want and what you don’t want.”

Lian Qiao's evaluation was very objective, and Chu Han felt more and more inferior to Prince Peony.

He is also a prince, but he is sensitive and inferior. He has been living in the shadow of the rising sun and cannot avoid it.

Lian Qiao understood all Chu Han's thoughts, she stretched out her arms to hug him, and said: "Prince Peony is good, but you are you, you don't have to compare with him, and you don't have to hate yourself. Besides, you should be calm, self-possessed, Delicate and gentle, these advantages are not available in Peony Prince."

The past experience is different, and the character formed is naturally different.

No one is good or bad, each is different and wonderful.

After a long time, Chuhan leaned into Lianqiao's arms and said softly: "I envy him very much. He can cry and laugh freely. He lives in the sunshine, but I live in the dark. He will bring happiness to others. Enthusiasm, and I... just depress those around me."

Lian Qiao patted Chu Han's back with a soft voice: "According to what you said, he is Sunshine?"

Chu Han nodded.

"Then you are the wind of spring, with the fragrance of flowers, refreshing. Not warm, but also very beautiful. Every time I see you, I feel a sense of tranquility and serenity. This feeling is something that Prince Peony does not have. Yes. Chuhan, you have to learn to accept yourself and love yourself. Only by loving yourself can you love others."


That night, Lian Qiao didn't say a single word of love.Because her love does not make Chuhan gain confidence, but makes him feel stressed.Confidence is always the power that comes from deep within.

That night, Lian Qiao stayed in Chuhan's room, warming his stomach with her palm until she fell into a deep sleep.

Nuo Yang was the first to know about Lord Demon King resting in Snow White's room.Later, Prince Peony came to look for Chuhan, but was stopped by Nuoyang standing at the door.

"What are you doing? I have something to do with Bai Xue."

At this moment, the sun is already high, and Chuhan is the person with the most regular schedule on weekdays, so Prince Peony thinks that he must have woken up.

Nuo Yang glanced at Prince Peony and said, "Don't go in, the Lord Demon King is inside."

To be precise, it hasn't come out yet.

Prince Peony covered his mouth with his hand: "!"

"No, no, no!" Prince Peony was so excited that he spoke awkwardly. "No, not now!"

Nuo Yang glanced at him again, and said calmly: "Why not, didn't you snatch more than twenty red envelopes before?"

Anyway, Nuoyang thinks there is nothing wrong with it.Prince Snow White married other princesses, he might as well marry his Lord Demon King.

"That's not what I said, I said it's not allowed last night. Wasn't Bai Xue on her menstrual period yesterday morning!"

Prince Peony is also very envious of Chuhan. Although her menstrual period is irregular, it doesn't hurt!Unlike him, who was in pain all night last night, he came here this morning to ask Chu Han to borrow some medicine to recuperate his body.

There is no way, the things here in Chuhan are always the best.

Lord Demon King is eccentric!

But Prince Peony still feels very happy to be able to rub the things in Chuhan~

(End of this chapter)

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