Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 68 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 68 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (6)

For some reason, Lian Qiao always felt that Master Jiu was humiliating her, but there was no proof.

While drawing gourds according to the four big characters on the paper, Lian Qiao asked Jiang Hai: "Eunuch Hai, do you think Master Jiu will take Miss Shangguan into Dongchang?"

What does a woman mean to Master Jiu?
It can neither help him consolidate his status, nor can he accompany him to do what ordinary men love to do.

Rounding up is useless!
Jiang Hai didn't answer Lian Qiao's question, but said, "Perhaps Xiao Hua is short of food."

Lian Qiao: "...Xiao Hua?"


Lian Qiao: "..."

Excuse me. Excuse me.


In fact, writing one hundred characters, four characters per sheet, adds up to only four hundred characters.

But what makes Lian Qiao feel terrible is that her writing is so ugly, the kind that can make herself cry.

One hundred sheets, each with its own ugliness.

Some characters were uneven in thickness, some characters left a big ink stain when the hand shook, some characters were limp and slumped on the paper, and some characters were round and fat like balls.

Jiang Hai didn't think that Lian Qiao, who couldn't read, could express her amazing talent and beauty, but later he found out that he was wrong.

This is simply more interesting than writing flowers!
So every time Lian Qiao finished writing a piece, she could see Jiang Hai's excited expression when she turned her head. That little expression seemed to say: "Write, I see what higher level you can be ugly!"

Then, Jiang Hai couldn't hold back his laughter.He covered his mouth with a handkerchief, "I'm sorry Miss Shen, our family won't lose our temper easily unless we can't help it."

Lian Qiao had a smile on her face, and in her heart... "Come on, write it!"

"Don't dare, Master Jiu knows that we will be angry if we use his things at home."

Lian Qiao glanced at her hand holding the brush, "Then... can I still have my hand?"

"Don't worry, Miss Shen, you'll be fine until you finish writing a hundred pages."

Lian Qiao: "..."

After writing a hundred sheets of paper, Lian Qiao was tired and Jiang Hai had enough laughs.

After the meal, Jiang Hai sent Lian Qiao outside Jiu Ye's room and turned to leave.

Lian Qiao pushed the door open, and the next second her hair was so frightened that it almost exploded!

Lian Qiao grabbed Jiang Hai's sleeve abruptly to prevent him from leaving, "Snake! Two snakes! Big snake!"

Jiang Hai looked into the room, "Xiaohua and Xiaobai? Miss Shen, don't make a fuss. There is also a snake cave in the East Factory, with tens of thousands of snakes. They are allowed to walk freely in the East Factory."

Lian Qiao felt a chill welling up in her heart.

what?Can you walk around at will?
Doesn't that mean that she may encounter snakes in any corner of Dongchang?

Lian Qiao understood why the system hadn't bubbled up until now, and she was afraid of the snake cave in the East Factory for a long time! !

Lian Qiao tugged at Jiang Hai, "Eunuch Hai, do you think Lord Jiu can let me go?"

"Is Miss Shen joking?"

"I'm not kidding, doesn't Shangguan Nongyu also want to enter Dongchang? She is also innocent, beautiful and beautiful!"

Jiang Hai looked at Lian Qiao like a fool, "Miss Shen, don't think about it. Once you enter the gate of Dongchang, even the lives of people belong to Master Jiu. Don't mention the words just now, Miss Shen, or you will be thrown away accidentally." Into the snake den, nine lives are not enough for you to squander."

Lian Qiao: "..."

cao ah!
Everyone thinks Master Jiu is a pervert, and Lian Qiao thinks that people are not deceiving me.

After seeing Jiang Hai off, Lian Qiao dragged her tired body into the room.

If you die, you can go to the next plane!

There is no sweet love, but there are two thick big snakes.

Not long after, Lian Qiao was surrounded by two snakes.

Lian Qiao boldly measured Xiao Hua's snake body with her hand.

Good guy, thicker than her legs!


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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