Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 691 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 691 If You Are In Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (1)

On the first day of September, the campus of Hua'an University was revived with vitality.

At 07:30 in the morning, freshmen in military training uniforms hurried to their respective assembly points.The seniors and sisters in their pajamas stood on the balcony, admiring their busy and energetic figures.

Lian Qiao stood at the school gate with a sad face.

The original owner is a little fool, it's fine if he misremembers the start time of school, and he forgot to bring his card and notice.Due to misremembering the time, the non-stop air ticket could not be booked, so she arrived in Hua'an City by train overnight after getting off the plane.After taking a short break at the hotel, he rushed to school again.

Then, Lian Qiao was stopped at the door by security.

[Tongzi, as long as I can enter this plane one day in advance, I can also pack up my things myself, and bring the notice and card needed for the report. ]
It's all right now, the original owner brought himself here, and nothing else.

In the face of Lian Qiao's complaints, the system was also quite helpless: [Host, the original owner is because of overindulgence and upside-down day and night in the three months after the college entrance examination, so he forgot the time of the report in a trance, and left things in a daze.

After coming to Hua'an University, her physical fitness declined due to long-term non-exercise, and she suffered from heat stroke due to sun exposure not long after the military training. She still endured it and died suddenly.

Host, according to the regulations of the Administration, in the case of sudden death like this, we can only send the host to a time point not too far away from death, so...]
So this is also impossible.

After hearing the original owner's reason, Lian Qiao just wanted to say... going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health.

Don't stay up late, don't stay up late, don't stay up late, say important things three times!
Drink more hot water and exercise more, drink more hot water and exercise more, drink more hot water and exercise more, the important thing is said three times! !

Lian Qiao stood in front of the gate of Hua'an University and sent a message to the counselor, but unfortunately the counselor surnamed Liu never responded to the message.

Since there was no response for a while, Lian Qiao simply went to a breakfast shop near the school to buy two breakfasts.Then she and Uncle Security were in the security room... having breakfast with the air conditioner on.

After breakfast, at about eight o'clock, the security uncle chatted with Lian Qiao: "Student, I really didn't mean to let you in on purpose. You see, there is an access control system installed at the school gate, and there is no card that can't get in. You, I can only let the counselor come to pick you up. If I open the back door and let you in today, I will be able to complete this task..."

Uncle Security spoke sincerely, and even Qiao naturally understood. "I know, I have already sent a message to our counselor. But I haven't responded yet. It is estimated that the freshmen have just started school and have a lot of things, so there is a delay."

"Yes, the counselors are busy at the beginning of school. By the way, are you a freshman?"

Lian Qiao nodded, "I'm a freshman majoring in computer science, and our counselor is Liu Tieniu."

Uncle Security's eyelids twitched when he heard about computer major, and Uncle Security was even more helpless when he heard the word Liu Tieniu. "Student, you may not be able to wait for the message from Teacher Liu Tieniu today."


Uncle Security coughed lightly, pointed to his watch and said, "It's about eight o'clock, an hour ago, your Mrs. Liu's water broke, and you were rushed to the hospital to give birth. Look at this..."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Isn't Teacher Liu Tieniu a male teacher? ?
What a proud name!

Under Uncle Security's sympathetic gaze, Lian Qiao asked helplessly, "But I haven't joined the class yet, and I only have Teacher Liu Tieniu's number..."

Capitalized miserable.


 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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