Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 698 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 698 If You Are In Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (8)

When Chu Zhou and Lian Qiao were eating in the cafeteria, many people turned their heads to look this way, and whispered while watching.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, the military training was assembled. The first-year students all chose to eat as soon as possible, and went back to sleep after eating.And the seniors who were free were all holding milk tea and glanced at Lian Qiao and Chu Zhou from time to time.

After Lian Qiao finished eating, Chu Zhou had already put down his chopsticks, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The so-called temporary dormitory, the school's initial arrangement is to let the parents who send the students live.Later, the rules of Hua'an University became more and more strict. Except for special circumstances, parents were basically not allowed to enter.So every year those who lived in the temporary dormitory turned into students like Lian Qiao and instructors like Chu Zhou.

After the two finished their meal, Chu Zhou took Lian Qiao into the dormitory building.

"I work here as an instructor every year, so room 326 is a dormitory reserved for me. There are more instructors here, so you live in room 327 next to me. Lock the door at night and don't come out if you have nothing to do. If you need anything, you can come to me directly."

The meaning of Chu Zhou's words is very clear, it is nothing more than to remind Lian Qiao to pay attention to safety.

Lian Qiao nodded and asked him with a smile: "Is Instructor Chu familiar with the other instructors?"

Chu Zhou shook his head. "It's not the same group of people who come here every year. It's impossible for me to know everyone. This group is not very old. In fact, they are not a few years older than you."

This is also what Chu Zhou is worried about. It is somewhat inconvenient for Lian Qiao to live here as a girl.

Chu Zhou handed the key to Lian Qiao, and said, "Go to bed early, I'll be...waiting for you here at [-]:[-]."

Chu Zhou wanted to say wait for her downstairs, but on second thought, he should wait for her in the corridor.

When Lian Qiao walked into the dormitory and closed the door, Chu Zhou's eyes suddenly became sharp and deep.

He gathered all the instructors in the temporary dormitory downstairs, and said indifferently: "There is a girl on the third floor who may live in the temporary dormitory tonight. Everyone pay attention to their words and deeds, and give me the moment you step out of the dormitory." Dress neatly.

If you say something that shouldn't be said, or do something that shouldn't be done, I can report it to your leaders on the surface, and your leaders can't protect you.Behind my back, I can make your life worse than death. "

Chu Zhou will ask Lian Qiao to protect herself, but the girl's safety will never depend on her alone.

Dozens of instructors were told by the leaders above thousands of times before they came, saying that other things are not important, the first thing is to be respectful to Chu Zhou, and never offend him!
After listening to Chu Zhou's words, dozens of people immediately stated: "Instructor Chu, don't worry, we must pay attention!"

Chu Zhou hummed, then waved the crowd to disperse.

Chu Zhou didn't have the habit of taking a lunch break, so he simply sat on the stairs to deal with the mail.At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Mushen from Hua'an University's laboratory suddenly called him.

When the phone was connected, Shang Mushen's cold voice soon came: "Instructor Chu, I have something to tell you, do you think it's convenient for you now?"

Chu Zhou didn't like dealing with merchants very much, his seniority was one reason, and the merchants' cold temper was also another reason.

Before Chu Zhou could open his mouth, Shang Mushen, who was on the opposite side, had already said, "Instructor Chu, I accidentally saw a photo in the school's post bar from my classmate's mobile phone today. In the picture, you and the girl in red walked into the playground together. Instructor Chu, I want to ask, who is she?"


(End of this chapter)

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