Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 71 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 71 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (9)

"Go to sleep." After speaking, he tapped Lian Qiao's body twice with his fingers.

Lian Qiao immediately fell into a deep sleep...

On the Mid-Autumn Festival the next day, a banquet was held in the palace for all officials to congratulate.

At that time the emperor's illness was already very serious, just to avoid panic, or to prevent the prince from fighting too fiercely, so the illness was kept light.

The common people don't know the details, they only discuss: Oh, the emperor still held a banquet in the palace for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so he must be in good health.

Just kidding yourself.

After lunch, Master Jiu stayed in the study with Lian Qiao for a few hours before bringing her back to the room.

In the room, there are two sets of dresses prepared in advance.Master Jiu was sipping tea in his room, while Lian Qiao changed her clothes behind the screen.

When Lian Qiao came out from behind the screen, Lord Jiu realized that the prince's love for her was not without reason.Stupid is a little stupid, but his appearance is still very good.

She was wearing a moon-white embroidered brocade robe and a white jade pendant around her waist.Following her footsteps, the tassels on her head flickered, and those bright eyes were so agile that people couldn't look away.

Master Jiu looked up and down for a while before he said, "Are you sure you are going to attend the palace banquet in white?"

It's fine for him to wear it, but if he brings another one in white, the emperor will be so angry that he will go straight to heaven.

Lian Qiao shrugged her shoulders, looked innocently at the big red dress next to her: "I...wear red?"

Although she is the only woman beside Master Jiu, and there is no distinction between wives and concubines, but if she wears a bright red dress and hangs out at the palace banquet, she might become a living target!
"It's okay, go change it."

Master Jiu coughed lightly, and covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

In fact, he didn't care what the emperor thought, he just thought that the white color was too plain, and it was far from red to bring out her red lips, white teeth, white skin and fine bones.

Intense red, just like the most vigorous rhythm of life.

Enchanting and ostentatious.

Like a goblin, obedient and charming.

Lian Qiao changed her clothes again, and Master Jiu nodded in satisfaction. "Let's go, it's not good to be late for the palace banquet."

"Master Jiu is also afraid?"

"That being the case, the governor can wait another hour."

Lian Qiao: "No, no, it's because I'm timid, let's go quickly!"

Master Jiu: "Oh."

The carriage moved steadily forward, although Dongchang was not far from the palace, but Master Jiu's temperament was that he could ride in a carriage and never walk, so no one dared to stop his carriage even if it was rampaging in the palace.

"Master Jiu, we're here." Jiang Hai opened the curtain, respectfully.

After Master Jiu got out of the car, Lian Qiao jumped out of the car.

Master Jiu: "..."


The legs and feet are really sharp.

You should bring Xiaohua and dance together.

Naturally, Lian Qiao didn't know what was waiting for her when she returned to Dongchang, but subconsciously felt that being too indulgent would easily become a living target, so she followed Master Jiu step by step.

Master Jiu: "..."

Oh, so contrived.

The crown prince and several princes had already arrived at the palace banquet, and the remaining ministers came to the palace early to wait.So when Lian Qiao entered behind Master Jiu, all eyes were on the two of them.

Men's white clothes are like snow, and women's red clothes are like fire.

It was an extremely good match.

The next second, there was a click, the sound of a cup breaking.

Then, there was the fourth prince's teasing voice: "The prince's medical treatment is not effective, otherwise how could he not even be able to hold a cup?"

The fourth prince has always been the most popular among the several princes.


(End of this chapter)

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