Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 733 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 733 If You Are In Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (43)

This morning she was still talking to Chu Shun about going home, but at noon she got the brocade silk scarf from Lian Qiao.

At this moment, Fang Lan's thoughts were: "Miss Shan, don't talk about the house opposite, except for my husband, you can take even Chuzhou!"

Chu Zhou: "?"

Lian Qiao coughed lightly, suddenly not in the mood to start a conversation.

Chu Zhou was also afraid that Lian Qiao would say one more thing: If my aunt said that, then I would not be polite.


The atmosphere, which should have been awkward, became calm after a few cups of peach blossom wine.

Chu Shun never drank outside, because he didn't show his face when he drank, and he liked to call others brothers and sisters when he drank too much.So ever since a joke was made, Chu Shun consciously never drank outside.

This Mid-Autumn Festival, he got another pair of calligraphy and painting, and drank a few more glasses when he was happy.It's rare that Fang Lan didn't stop him, after all... There seems to be nothing wrong with calling Chen Chong a brother.

Among the five major families, the Chen family is the one that can drink the most.When Chen Chong drank too much, he started complaining to Chu Shun, scolding his father while complaining.

Chu Shun scolded his father along with Chen Chong.

Chu Zhou: "?"

Lian Qiao had almost finished eating, resting her chin on her hands, she listened with great interest to the two attacking Father Chen.When I heard something interesting, I occasionally glanced at Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou and Lian Qiao took it as a joke, Fang Lan listened and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The Chen family wants to marry the Shan family?

Let Chen Chong chase this aunt?
Fang Lan took a sip of the juice to suppress her shock, and then thought about it carefully: Although Chu Zhou is old...but it's not...impossible at all...

Anyway, she was a little guilty.

Fang Lan also prepared desserts, and asked Chu Zhou to accompany her to the kitchen to serve them.

Chu Zhou didn't doubt that it was there, and obediently followed him to the kitchen.

It's just that he walked into the kitchen with his front foot, and Fang Lan closed the door behind him.

Chu Zhou was slightly taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"I have something to tell you."

Chu Zhou leaned casually on the refrigerator, "Let's talk."

He wanted to hear what he insisted on saying at this time, and he insisted on taking him to the kitchen to whisper.

"It's a little hard to tell." Fang Lan pondered for a long time, and finally said: "The Chen family wants to marry the Shan family, right? What are you talking about?"

Chu Zhou raised his eyebrows, "The right family?"

I don't know what's going on, the five major families are all yang and yin, and if the relatives of the branches are not counted, there are very few girls.

And Lian Qiao is considered to be the eldest daughter of the Shan family, and in ancient times, she was the eldest daughter.

Marriage, either intends to be a good match, or is a replacement of resources.As long as it works well, it is undoubtedly a win-win situation.So it is not surprising that the Chen family has such thoughts.

Fang Lan touched her chest, "No matter what the picture is, what do you think of Miss Shan?"

Chu Zhou glanced at Fang Lan and knew that she had thoughts about Lian Qiao, so he asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think of her? Isn't she your student now?"

Chu Zhou hummed, "Very good."

"Very good, what are the chances of you catching up with him?"

Fang Lan made it clear, Chu Zhou chuckled lightly: "You are so interesting, you called me to the kitchen to talk about this. Why, was it inspired by the Chen family?"

"If that kid Chen Chong didn't talk about it today, I really wouldn't dare to think about it. Besides, Miss Shan is a little younger, I'm afraid..." Fang Lan glanced at Chu Zhou up and down, "She might not be able to see on you."

Chu Zhou: "..."

Chu Zhou straightened his sleeves, "Then what do you think should be done?"

Fang Lan thought for a while, "People still have dreams, what if they come true?"

Chu Zhou nodded seriously, "Then I'll try harder."

"come on!"



(End of this chapter)

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