Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 743 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 743 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (End)
On Christmas Day, Shan Ting sent Lian Qiao a red envelope.

After Lian Qiao received the red envelope, she sent a message: [I'm in love. ]
Normally, Shan Ting would reply within seconds, but this time it took four or five minutes to reply: [Is it reliable? ]
Lian Qiao said yes, and Shan Ting said again: [Protect yourself, don't be wronged. ]
[Don't you ask me who the other party is? ]

Shan Ting replied quickly this time: [I may not know you even if you tell me, anyway, don't be wronged. ]
At this time, Shan Ting lit a cigarette, but didn't smoke, just let the cigarette burn in the air, and then circles of smoke drifted out.

The relationship between him and Lian Qiao is not close, because of seniority, age and gender, Shan Ting doesn't know how to express closeness.

In terms of material, the inheritance left by Lian Qiao's parents is enough for her to squander.In terms of life, she is neither pampered nor troublesome, and she doesn't have to worry about her studies.Shan Ting was in a trance, dazed, the little girl was so old back then.

In fact, when Lian Qiao proposed to go to Hua'an City to study at university, Shan Ting knew that he couldn't stop her, and also knew that there would be such a day sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he sent another message: [It's just a man, don't give him too much face, he doesn't deserve it. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
In Shan Ting's eyes, there is really no man in this world who is worthy of Lian Qiao.Life experience and appearance are one aspect, but on the other hand... whoever marries Lian Qiao, he will also call him uncle.

On Christmas Day, Lian Qiao was actually having dinner with Chu Zhou at the restaurant.After Shan Ting's message was sent, Lian Qiao couldn't help laughing, and then handed the phone to Chu Zhou: "I haven't told him that my boyfriend is you, if you say he knows, how will he react? "

Chu Zhou raised his eyebrows, "I don't know, but Shan Ting will know one day, and then he will know his reaction."

For Chu Zhou, it doesn't matter how Shan Ting reacts.Because since he chose to be with Lian Qiao, no matter whether Shan Ting supports her or not, he will never let go of her hand.

On Christmas Day, there was a light snowfall in Hua'an City.The restaurant is not far from Hua'an University, Chu Zhou didn't drive, and walked back to school holding Lian Qiao's hand.

Under the street lamp, snowflakes fell on the two of them.

At this moment, Chu Zhou suddenly felt that when he was with Lian Qiao, the years became poetry.There is the cleanest snow and the most beautiful song in the poem.

Chu Zhou thought, he had the hottest youth, struggled to death countless times, and now he has the most beautiful girl, no one in the world should be luckier than him.

A few days after Christmas is New Year's Day, and Hua'an University's various majors have also entered the exam week one after another.

Country Y celebrates the Spring Festival, but the Shan family still maintains this custom.

Lian Qiao didn't stay in Hua'an City for a few days after the holiday, and then got on the plane back to Country Y.

Before boarding the plane, Lian smiled and said goodbye to Chu Zhou: "Instructor Chu, see you next year."

To be able to say goodbye with a smile must be sure to see you again.

Chu Zhou put down the suitcase, and put a bracelet on Lian Qiao's wrist. "Ancestors are also antiques."

"It's a little extravagant to bring antiques with you." Lian Qiao glanced at the bracelet and smiled sweetly.

Chu Zhou chuckled, "Isn't jewelry just for people to wear?"

What's more, he always has to prove it with actual actions. After Lian Qiao married to Chu's family, the food and clothing expenses were no worse than those in Shan's family.

The girl raised by the Shan family can't be wronged by Chu Zhou.

"Then I'm leaving, see you next year."

"See you next year."

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, our story is still very long.

The four seasons are beautiful, but all the scenery is not as good as you.

 After that, I will fill in all the pits that should be filled in the episode.

  There is one thing to say, Chu Zhou should be the happiest of all male partners, except for his genetic medical history, he has almost no shortcomings.

  He appeared in front of Lian Qiao with the best appearance, and he also had the best ending.He was patriotic in the first half of his life, and loved her in the second half of his life.They are evenly matched, and they know each other well.

  Dove lemons too. . .

(End of this chapter)

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