Chapter 746 If You Are a Military Training Special (3)

For nearly four years, Xia Qinghuan worked hard to lose weight, paid tuition with the money she earned from part-time jobs, and learned how to do makeup with some cheap cosmetics.Everything is slowly getting better, and when she is approaching graduation from university, she has already won an offer from Chu's branch by virtue of her own efforts.

Now she no longer needs to get care from Shang Mujian as before.There is no need to draw warmth by recalling sister Lian Qiao in memory.

She finally became her own sun.

Facing Chu Zhou's question, Xia Qinghuan said slowly: "Mr. Chu, may I know where Sister Lian Qiao is now?"

Even though she traveled all the way, Lian Qiao was the person she wanted to see the most in the end.Lian Qiao not only softened her years, but also Xia Qinghuan's only obsession in this world.

Chu Zhou's slender fingers flew over the keyboard, and he lifted his lips: "What are you looking for Qiaoqiao?"

"I haven't seen Sister Lianqiao for a long time, I really miss her."

"So you came to Chu's to apply for the job because you are pretty?"

Xia Qinghuan's eyes flickered slightly, "Yes, I will work hard. I can't see Sister Lianqiao in the branch office, so I will try my best to go to the head office. I will get closer and closer to her, and one day I will see Sister Lianqiao again. "

It never occurred to Chu Zhou that the one who covets Lian Qiao the most is a woman.

"She is a freelancer now and usually works at home. She usually neither comes to the branch office nor the head office." Chu Zhou raised his eyebrows, "So even if you go to the head office, you may not be able to see her .”

There was disappointment in Xia Qinghuan's eyes, and after a while, she said softly: "Maybe I can see it, Sister Lianqiao may come to the company to look for you, maybe she will come to bring you meals..."

What if.

Chu Zhou had no intention of saying this to Xia Qinghuan again, "Okay, let's go out."

Xia Qinghuan bowed slightly: "Yes, Mr. Chu."


Three years later.

"I heard that the young master of the business, Shang Mujian, and the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, Zhou Yun, are getting married. The big screens of the two companies in Shang and Zhou are showing their wedding photos in a loop. It's so romantic!"

"Hua'an is now dominated by the Chu family. If Shang and Zhou don't unite, the future development may not be very good. It's just a business marriage, a win-win thing."

"But the two of them are really a good match, Mr. Shang is so handsome, and Miss Zhou is so beautiful!"

Many people gathered near the Shang Group, and many girls shouted excitedly.

At this time, a man in a suit said, "Tsk, that's because you haven't seen Mr. Chu and his girlfriend before, and that's how good-looking you are. Before Ms. Shan didn't go to college, Ms. Zhou was the belle of the school." After Miss Shan comes to the school, the title of school belle will be changed."

"President Chu's girlfriend? I also heard that her surname is Shan. But at present, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend, and what is the origin of Miss Shan? If she comes from a small family, she may not be able to enter the Chu family."

"Yes, I heard that we have been talking for several years and there is no follow-up. Like this kind of woman, there is a high probability that mothers are more expensive than children."


The little girls next to her were talking a lot, and Xi Jing was about to roll up her sleeves to reason with them, but was dragged out of the crowd by Geng Zhe.

"Squad leader, what are you doing, I haven't finished talking yet!"

Geng Zhe helplessly supported his forehead: "What do you care about with them? They clearly saw Zhou Yun's family background, so they didn't feel sour when they thought about it. They also felt that Lian Qiao was nothing, so they started blah blah. This is clearly jealousy. , I can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

All right, let's go quickly, don't we know what's going on with Mr. Chu and Lian Qiao?Mr. Chu's entire wealth is in Lian Qiao's hands, and Uncle Chu's father and Aunt Chu almost treat her like a treasure.Don't talk, don't talk, there is a meeting to be held in the afternoon, so hurry up! "

Happiness is not in other people's mouths.


After Xi Jing was dragged away by Geng Zhe, no one noticed that Xia Qinghuan was calmly drinking coffee in a coffee shop near the Shang Group.

She made an appointment with a client to meet here today, but she was let go, so she was able to steal half a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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