Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 749 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 749 The villain, he reported himself (2)

After listening to the system, Lian Qiao understood.

The male supporting role, Nie Kui, is the one doing things in this plane.After finishing the work, the hero and heroine had an intersection, and then began to fall in love with each other.Later, the development of the plot did not need Nie Kui, so Nie Kui had no news.

The villain boss is a tool man.

When Lian Qiao was talking to the system, Nie Kui grabbed her into his arms while she was not paying attention.

He hugged Lianqiao tightly, his eyes flashed with grief.

Ten years later, he still couldn't forget the scene of his brain exploding and dripping with blood.

Just a little bit, he was about to watch her daughter die in front of him again.

Nie Kui's eyes were slightly wet, and he pressed Lian Qiao's head in his arms. "Follow brother, brother will definitely protect you. Don't be afraid, live well, brother will guard you..."

Why do some people exhaust all their strength just to live.


When Sanjay rushed upstairs, a look of sadness flashed on his thin face.After a long time, he moved his lips and said, "Boss, the people below have dispersed, and the police have also left. Let's go in."

Nie Kui's eyes were closed tightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes were indifferent, completely free from the gaffe just now.

He saw that the little girl in front of him had eyebrows and eyes similar to Zhou Zhou's, with pigtails and a pink skirt, very delicate.

On the way here, he heard from Sanjay that the girl has autism.Already 15 years old and never spoke.

Nie Kui touched Lianqiao's face with his hands, and asked Sangjie, "Her name is Chang Lianqiao?"

Sanjay responded: "Yes. I found her not long after you were imprisoned."

The balcony is not a place to talk. Nie Kui took Lianqiao's hand and tried to soften his voice as much as possible: "Let's change it, I'll be called Nie Lianqiao from now on. Pretty girl, let's go inside."

Lian Qiao heard the word "imprisonment", just about to ask, the system already explained: [Host, Nie Kui has mastered the lifeline of the underground casino in five years.But when he became a big boss with the power of life and death in his hands, he suddenly reported himself backhanded.Countless properties under him were seized in one fell swoop, and he was jailed overnight.

Moreover, according to the timeline, Nie Kui had just been released from prison not long ago. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
The villain became so ruthless that he even reported himself!
In the living room, there are several plates and a bottle of wine on the table.

Lian Qiao saw that the room was very messy, with all kinds of debris piled up, and occasionally unidentified objects fell from the ceiling.

Sanjay's tone was a little embarrassed. "Boss, I'm sorry, it's just everyday food. I really can't entertain you with good wine and food."

The bench was not clean, Nie Kui simply wiped it with a cloth and sat on it. "It's okay, sit down."

He really didn't expect Zhou Zhou's daughter to be found by Sang Jie and raised for five years.Thinking of this, Nie Kui's eyes were complicated.Before he went to prison, he left 1000 million for Sangjie. He thought it would be enough for Sangjie to live the rest of his life, but now that he thinks about it, it might not be enough to help Lianqiao cure his illness.

So Nie Kui can understand Sanjay's family background.

Sanjay sat down at the table, but did not move his chopsticks for a long time.

"what happened?"

Sanjie hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Boss, my wife took the child out and will be back soon..."

Not long after Nie Kui was released from prison, knowing that Zhou Zhou's daughter was still alive, he immediately booked a ticket and flew here.Time was running out, and he hadn't had time to understand Sanjay's situation.

Hearing Sangjie said that he has a wife and child, Nie Kui pursed his lips: "Then wait a while, don't worry."

Sangjie's family is kind to Yu Lianqiao, that is, they are kind to him. Nie Kui is not a person who does not know what is good or bad.He was still thinking about asking about Lian Qiao's situation later, and the next second, he heard the cry of a baby coming from the room.


(End of this chapter)

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