Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 756 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 756 The villain, he reported himself (9)

Tang Yunuo's conditions are undoubtedly excellent.

Opened a clinic at a young age, financially independent, and calm.Since the day Lian Qiao met her, she has always been gentle and gentle.Talking in a soft voice makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Nie Kui was leaning against the wall originally, and it was still the same after listening to Tang Yunuo's words. "Doctor Tang, you don't need to waste your time and energy on me."

Not only is he a bad guy, but he is still a useless guy with nothing to do.

"You saved me, I can't let you go, I really can't let go." Tang Yunuo's eyelashes trembled slightly, his beautiful eyes were full of sadness. "Six years ago, I was only one year older than Qiaoqiao. When my dad was beaten to death by those people, I hadn't even graduated from high school. When I fell into the hands of those people, I thought my life was going to be over. .

It was your presence that brought me back from hell.I wanted to follow you back then, because I couldn't believe anyone but you.But you only gave me a sum of money to let me live well. "

Speaking of this, Tang Yunuo almost choked up. "I thought you were so indifferent to everyone. I thought that if you could give me a sum of money and comfort me, it would be gentle. So I'll wait until you get out of prison, until the day you like me and are willing to accept me.

But until I saw her... I knew she was your sister, but the fact that you are so kind to her sister shows that you are not a hard-hearted person! "

If he can treat his sister so well, he can treat the woman he likes like this.

The only explanation is that he doesn't like her, Tang Yunuo.And this is what makes Tang Yunuo sad.

As long as Nie Kui can always be so indifferent, so indifferent to everyone, she can deceive herself and wait for him to the end of her life.

But there are people in this world who make Nie Kui treat her tenderly, even her younger sister, which shatters the only little fantasy left in her heart.

Facing Tang Yunuo's temperless accusation, Nie Kui's eyes darkened slightly: "I said earlier that I don't like you."

"I know." Tang Yunuo's tears fell like broken beads. "But Mr. Nie, I will be the woman who understands you best in this world. No one knows your past and your suffering better than me. Most importantly, you gave me my life. I love you more than I love myself!"

Nie Kui glanced at Tang Yunuo, and said calmly: "I don't need to know the hot and the cold, and I really don't like you. Doctor Tang, you said you know me, how much do you know? You only know that I saved you , only know that I have been in prison. Besides, what else do you know?"

"I..." Tang Yunuo was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Doctor Tang, I have not only saved people, I have also killed people. There are still various enemies looking for me, and they all want to kill me."

As he spoke, Nie Kui took out a tissue and handed it to Tang Yunuo. "Don't cry, I'm not a good person, and neither is your father. He was beaten to death because he owed gambling debts, and he sold you. I saved you only because I happened to meet you, understand?"

Nothing special, nothing to do with love.

Tang Yunuo only felt that his heart had been stabbed hard, and after the piercing was over, there was continuous pain.

"Look how good it is now. You are young and beautiful, with a promising career. Although there is only one person left in the family, no one can drag you down. It's a great time, don't trap yourself in the darkness of the past." Nie Kui looked pretty at Lian After taking a look, he said again: "Forget the past, you can see the dawn."

Whether Tang Yunuo or even pretty, they came out of pain, but Nie Kui hoped that they could all walk towards a future full of flowers and flowers.


(End of this chapter)

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