Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 759 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 759 The villain, he reported himself (12)

The system looked it up, and said: [The strange grocery store is a pawn shop in a sense.Ordinary people can't see it, and there is not much information recorded.The first transaction is money, and after that it will be all kinds of valuable things.And the host you saw for the first time was an animal, probably because...you just had to take a bite. ]
Lian Qiao: [Then why are there no dumplings? ]

System: [Maybe there will be later. ]
Lian Qiao: [Then can I still have this tiger? ]

A small one, so cute.

The system thought for a while, [OK host. ]
After listening to the system, Lian Qiao paid the final payment neatly, and then brought the little tiger over.

"Miss Nie, the tiger has been handed over to you. Do you need to bring the elephant raised in country Q to you?"

Lian Qiao hurriedly waved her hand, and then wrote on the paper: You don't have to, you guys keep it, I just need to take a look at it when I have time.

With such a big elephant, she didn't know where to put it.What's more, she bought an elephant entirely because of a joke on the Internet:
The scammer sent a text message to a person and said, "Hello, we show that you spent 180 million abnormally abroad. Is it you who did it yourself?"

The man replied: "Yes, what if I bought an elephant."

Liar: "Good guy, you've disturbed my train of thought."

Lian Qiao at this time: Ah, she really bought an elephant!
System: [Host, that strange grocery store is very unreliable.Forget it this time, if you buy anything in the future, you must tell me in advance. ]
Lian Qiao hugged the cute little tiger and said: [Is it because it is dangerous? ]
System: [Because it was established in 1618, so far no buyer has been able to escape unscathed.The favorite thing about this shop is to watch clean people become greedy and destroy.

Although I haven't encountered it before, I have met a host with better qualifications brought by the magic stick system.Later, the host forcibly disconnected from the system, and finally seemed to die on that plane forever. ]
Die on that plane...

Lian Qiao thought about it, and felt that this strange grocery store was indeed a bit evil.

Nie Kui hasn't returned for a long time, and Lian Qiao is a little anxious.

After an unknown amount of time, the little tiger next to him suddenly whined.In the next second, Lian Qiao heard movement in the corridor.

After Nie Kui entered, he changed his shoes at the entrance, and even Qiaoqiao wanted to walk over, but he stopped him: "Qiaoqiao, don't come over, brother is tired, and wants to go back to the house to rest."

Lian Qiao's footsteps stopped on the spot, the little tiger's nose fluttered in her arms, and she struggled for a while before calming down.

Nie Kui put the cake in his hand and the food he bought from outside on the table in the entrance, and said, "Qiaoqiao can sleep for a while after eating, happy birthday, I will give you the gift later."

Nie Kui's eyes were calm when he spoke, and Lian Qiao looked him up and down, and found that he was wearing a white shirt when he went out, but now he was wearing a black shirt.

When Nie Kui put down his things and was about to go back to his room, Lian Qiao called out to him suddenly, "Brother..."

Nie Kui almost thought that he had heard it wrong, and the indifference in his eyes was replaced by shock.He turned his head abruptly, trying to walk over but finally restrained his steps.

Nie Kui stood a few steps away from Lianqiao, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Qiaoqiao, can you call me brother again?"

Lian Qiao yelled again, and Nie Kui was finally sure that she wasn't hallucinating just now.

After getting along for more than half a year, Lian Qiao's mood is very stable, and now she can speak.


 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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