Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 761 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 761 The villain, he reported himself (14)

Just like normal girls, this is what Nie Kui wants to see.

"But I have one thing to remind you." Tang Yunuo looked a little more serious, and said: "After all, Qiaoqiao has been in a foreign red light district for ten years, and a ten-year-old child already remembers things, so she may have forgotten what she saw. , may also be kept in the back of my mind.

She is fine now, and when she falls in love one day, or when she is in close contact with a man, she may suddenly remember a scene that made her feel uncomfortable, and her emotions will collapse again. "

Tang Yunuo's words were already very tactful. "So Mr. Nie, you may need to pay attention to this."

Nie Kui understood Tang Yunuo's meaning, but he understood, but felt helpless.

Why did he pay attention to this?It seems that only her future boyfriend can help Lian Qiao unravel her knot.

"Mr. Nie, but it's too early to say this. Qiaoqiao is only 16 years old this year. I believe she will meet a boyfriend who loves her in the future. Now she can rely on you, and she will definitely be able to rely on another man in the future. If you really like Qiaoqiao, you will definitely enlighten her patiently."

If Tang Yunuo hadn't mentioned this matter, Nie Kui really wouldn't have thought so much about it.

After thanking her, Nie Kui knocked on the door and walked into Lian Qiao's room.

Nie Kui didn't deliberately keep a few steps away this time, and Lian Qiao also smelled a faint medicinal fragrance from him.

Nie Kui touched her head, "Brother has something to go out for a few days, come back and bring you your favorite pastries, okay?"

"Is brother going to work?"

Nie Kui stayed with Lian Qiao inseparably for more than half a year. At first, Lian Qiao also doubted his source of income, but finally got the answer from the system.It turned out that before Nie Kui was imprisoned, he not only controlled the lifeline of underground casinos, but also ran some serious businesses.

He took everything black and white, but later reported himself backhandedly.And these serious and legal companies are enough for him to squander several lifetimes.

Lian Qiao knew that Nie Kui was not going away for a few days this time for work, and the reason why she mentioned this was to provide him with a ready-made excuse.

Although she knew she shouldn't ask, she still wanted to know.Maybe...his Nie Kui's unknown past.

It's a pity that Nie Kui didn't seem to intend to use work as an excuse to fool Lian Qiao. He thought about it and said, "It's not work, it's my brother's personal business."

Lian Qiao raised her eyes, her eyes full of doubts.

There are some things that Nie Kui can't say, and won't tell Lian Qiao either.He only patted Lian Qiao's head, then turned and left the room.


During the few days when Nie Kui left, Tang Yunuo took his place and stayed by Lian Qiao's side inseparably.

Lian Qiao was silent for several days, and the first thing she said to Tang Yunuo was: "Am I troublesome?"

Tang Yunuo was slightly taken aback, then smiled slightly: "How could it be?"

In fact, Lian Qiao is normal in all aspects, so she can socialize normally and communicate with people normally at any time.She was wondering if the original owner was still alive, would she feel guilty for dragging others down while struggling.

But what can be done, who doesn't want to live a good life.They just can't do it, and they can't live like ordinary people even if they try their best.

Taking a step back, even healthy people are often sad.

When Lian Qiao and Nie Kui went out a few days ago, they saw an old man selling roasted sweet potatoes by the side of the road.

Lian Qiao wanted to buy one, but when Nie Kui paid, the old man asked hesitantly: "Can I give cash, the money for scanning the code is with my son, he won't give it to me..."

The old man is healthy and normal.He's just old and can't keep up with young people.

There are thousands of helplessness in this world, and there are also thousands of sufferings.All we can do is forgive and cherish.


(End of this chapter)

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