Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 768 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 768 The villain, he reported himself (21)

"Am I bad to you?"

Lian Qiao was helpless, "Where is the good? What is the good?"

"I bring you breakfast every day."

"I've had breakfast at home, no need."

"You didn't hand in your homework. I covered it for you. I even helped you write your homework several times."

"No need, the head teacher won't say anything if I don't hand in my homework."

Hearing this, Meng Lai was puzzled. "why?"

Lian Qiao thought for a while, looked up into his eyes, and said word by word: "Because I used to have autism, so it doesn't matter what my grades are, my brother just wants me to be happy."

Meng Lai only knew that Nie Kui had a younger sister, but never knew that she had autism.

He immediately froze in place, Lian Qiao put the book away on the table, and then got up. "You don't know that, not only do I have autism, but I also jump over stairs. So, don't worry about it anymore, I want to stay in school happily for two years."

Meng Lai's eyes darkened slightly, and he felt a little sour in his heart.

So what the hell is he doing?Bullying a girl who used to have autism?
What's even more ridiculous is that after he's been around Lian Qiao for so long, she only finds it annoying?
Seeing Meng Lai's pensive look, Lian Qiao expressed her relief.

After waving her hand, she said, "But you don't have to have any psychological pressure. Just pretend that the past didn't happen. It's better for you to transfer back to Class [-]. It doesn't matter if you stay, as long as you don't dangle in front of my eyes."

After Lian Qiao left, Meng Lai stood there for a long time unable to recover.

After some time, he picked up his mobile phone and called Meng Gan: "Brother, Nie Lianqiao has autism, why didn't you tell me about it?"

Meng Lai admitted that he wanted Lian Qiao to fall in love with him, and then abandoned her severely, in order to take revenge on Nie Kui.According to the original assumption, in this game, he is trying to win his heart, and Lian Qiao just needs to guard his heart.

Whoever is tempted first, whoever can't control his feelings first, will lose completely.

But the problem now is that Lian Qiao has autism, so this game was unfair from the beginning.

Meng Gan's tone on the phone was a little tired, "How do I know she has autism? I didn't even know that Nie Kui had a younger sister."

Meng Gan squeezed the center of his brows, and said again: "So what if she has autism, isn't it better to control her. Why, are you softening your heart?"

Meng Lai did not admit that he was soft-hearted, "I just feel that this is not a good way to win."

"Did you win?"

Meng Lai: "..."

Not only did he not win, he was also hated by others.

"Brother, am I bad? Why doesn't she like me?"

Faced with his younger brother's question, Meng Gan chuckled, "The side that asks this kind of question has already lost in a sense."

Because not only did not win the other party's heart, but also lost their own pride.

"She made it clear that she doesn't like you?" Meng Gan asked again.

"Anyway, she said I was annoying."

On the other side of the phone, Meng Gan smiled even deeper. "Alai, you should be glad that the girl you met was Nie Lianqiao, otherwise you would have a 90.00% chance of being counter-killed. Just imagine, if she didn't explicitly reject you, but treated you in a way that was indifferent and hot and cold. Who will fall first, you, you or her?"

Meng Lai said stiffly, "Why do you say that I will be the first to fall?"

"Because she wants you to go far away, and has no feelings for you at all. Even if she pretends to tease you, she can leave at any time. And what about you? Alai, if I transfer you back to Class [-] now and never contact her again, Can you leave gracefully without nostalgia?"

(End of this chapter)

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