Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 774 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 774 The villain, he reported himself (27)

When Nie Kui was on a business trip, he was worried that Lian Qiao would be alone at home, let alone handing her over to someone else.So every time Nie Kui was not at home, Tang Yunuo would come over to chat with Lian Qiao.

There is one thing to say, Tang Yunuo is really a gentle woman down to the bone.

At this time, the head of the personnel department came over and explained.What is it that Nie Kui has been looking for an assistant for a long time, they have been busy for so long, and finally found a suitable one.

Between the words, Chang Yao was praised as a rare treasure in the sky and the earth.

Lian Qiao said, "Fire me, I don't like it."

Tang Yunuo smiled helplessly, it was the first time she saw Lian Qiao play such a petty temper.But taking a step back, she didn't like this Chang Yao woman very much.

As for why you don't like it, probably... this is a woman's intuition.

The supervisor hesitated, "Miss, my sister belongs to my sister, and my work belongs to my work. I think we should let her stay in the company for a few days before Mr. Nie comes back!"

The implication is that Lian Qiao is messing around!

Lian Qiao was not annoyed, and even had a smile in her eyes: "Sister belongs to sister, work belongs to work, but work is for my sister. If I am unhappy, my brother will be unhappy, and if my brother is unhappy, the assistant will return like this." thing."

Lian Qiao made a phone call, and said directly after dialing, "Brother, I don't like your assistant very much, and neither does this supervisor."

At that time, Nie Kui was in a meeting, and he curled his lips: "If you don't like it, change it. Have you eaten Qiaoqiao?"

Are you talking about eating now?The supervisor was sweating coldly, and hurried over to explain: "Mr. Nie, I am the supervisor of the personnel department. I think Assistant Chang is very good..."

When Nie Kui heard the supervisor's voice, his smile disappeared instantly. "roll."

The supervisor wanted to say something more, but Tang Yunuo said directly: "If you don't leave, I'll call the security guard."

After leaving the office in embarrassment, the supervisor suddenly turned his face. "That's all right, not only didn't you stay, but also took me away! If Mr. Meng asks, it's all your fault!"

Chang Yao glanced at him indifferently, "Idiot, stupid without knowing it."

As long as she didn't say that sister belongs to sister and work belongs to work, she still has the possibility to stay, and if she said it, she would be out of the game early.

"Forget it, let's think of another way."

Chang Yao didn't pay much attention to Lian Qiao before, but now it seems that she has to investigate this younger sister.

In the office, after Lian Qiao hung up the phone, Tang Yunuo poured her a glass of water and smiled slightly: "I really didn't realize that Qiao Qiao has the potential to be a demon concubine."

In the past, I only thought that Lian Qiao was cute and well-behaved, and she was naughty and cute when she was willful occasionally.

Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, "Yaofei?"

"The demon concubine doesn't sound good, let's put it another way, it's a concubine who is specially favored. If the concubine doesn't sound good, then the queen will do it, right? The emperor and the empress are in harmony."

When Tang Yunuo said this, there was a smile in his eyes.

Seeing that Lian Qiao really didn't react, Tang Yunuo took out an invitation card from his bag. "I'm getting married, so Qiaoqiao doesn't have to worry about me. I'm a psychiatrist, so I can see that your feelings for Mr. Nie are not just brother and sister. Qiaoqiao, am I right?"

Tang Yunuo originally thought that Lian Qiao was so dependent on Nie Kui because of her past experience, and even reminded Nie Kui to pay more attention to Lian Qiao's psychological changes, so as not to cause disaster.

As a result, Nie Kui later told her directly that Lian Qiao was not his biological sister at all, nor was she related by blood, so even if it really exceeded the relationship between siblings, it would not be considered contrary to ethics.

Tang Yunuo at that time: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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