Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 779 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 779 The villain, he reported himself (32)

Nie Kui said indifferently: "My former assistant to the president, a legendary stunner in the world, the top card in the underground club for five years in a row, her flower name is Red Rose, and her real name is Chang Yao. Speaking of which, didn't you train her?"

"Yes, but I regret it now, I don't want to give her to you."

"Is that why you came to me?" Nie Kui chuckled, "If Mr. Meng knew that his two sons fell for the same love character, I don't know how he would feel about it."

"I just want you to promise that I will never touch her."

"What promise? Guarantee that when your woman comes to seduce me, you will be a gentleman?" Nie Kui sipped his tea with a calm expression. "Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Nie Kui!" Meng Gan's tone became more serious, "I'm discussing this matter with you."

"Just take care of your woman. What's the use of discussing with me. Besides, why should I listen to you?"

The atmosphere between the two men suddenly became anxious.

After an unknown amount of time, Meng Gan finally said, "Let her go, you killed her father after all, so consider it atonement."

Nie Kui tapped the table twice with his fingertips, and lifted his lips: "Since you are willing to come to me, then I will have a good chat with you. Chang Yao is Chang Zhiguo's daughter, and so is my sister Nie Lianqiao.

Back then, Chang Zhiguo forced my stepmother, and then I got Qiaoqiao.After Qiaoqiao was born, just because she was a girl, Chang Zhiguo sent her to the red light district abroad, where she stayed for ten years.

Chang Yao hates me for killing her father, so don't I hate Chang Zhiguo?When I was six years old, I saw my stepmother being bullied by Chang Zhiguo.What did my stepmother do wrong, and what did my sister do wrong? "

Nie Kui paused, restrained his emotions and continued: "They are all right. What is wrong is that my biological father Nie Lei gambled like his life. He gambled to the point where he lost his fortune and lost my stepmother to Chang Zhiguo."

Speaking of this, Nie Kui looked at Meng Gan: "Don't Nie Lei deserve to die, shouldn't Chang Zhiguo deserve to die? They deserve it!"

The past ten years were his Nie Kui's devastation, and ten years ago, it was Zhou Zhou's blood and tears.

No one hates gambling more than Nie Kui, because this word runs through his past.Because of this word, he never lived a day of peace.

No one knew about Nie Kui's past, and Meng Gan and Lian Qiao were shocked at the moment.

Lian Qiao slowly opened her eyes.

In fact, no one can empathize with the pain of the other party. If Lian Qiao can feel very painful, then Nie Kui has [-], [-], [-] points in his heart.

"Meng Gan, your family is also a gangster. Do you know how many people died because of your family's property? In front of you today, I can also say that your father deserves it. My Nie Kui's hands are covered with blood , but none of them are wronged souls."

For a while, Meng Gan didn't know how to face Nie Kui, but after a while, he said, "Can it end? Everything ends here."

Nie Kui suddenly smiled, and there was endless desolation in the smile. "It can't end. Only when I die can all this end."

The storm he created can only be calmed by his life.

"But I don't want to die yet. If my life will bring pain to countless people, then be the pain. Whether I hide in hiding or live in the world for the rest of my life, I'm sorry for the pain of countless people and the peace of Qiaoqiao alone. I choose the latter."

He was never a good guy, or even a downright bad guy.

He is not a Buddha, so he does not need to save people.

He just wanted to protect Lianqiao, because she was like a ray of light, illuminating the way he came.


(End of this chapter)

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