Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 784 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 784 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (2)

"Befriend Ben Gong, want to chat with Ben Gong every day?" Lian Qiao really believed her ghost.He raised his hand and touched the golden step hairpin in his hair, he was pretty, lazy and expensive. "Let's go back, count nine cold days, if the empress feels that not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, then let her drive Fengluan Palace."

Joy welled up in the corners of Qi Yuan'er's eyes, "What the master said is true, let's go back quickly. If the master suffers from the cold, the master will suffer, and the slaves will also feel distressed."

When Lian Qiao went back, she realized that the original owner was walking.

All the way back through the snow, she was always worried that her shoes and socks would get wet.

Qi Yuan'er looked at Lian Qiao carefully, and after an unknown amount of time, she finally couldn't help but whispered: "My lord, the empress asks you to go to Fengyi Palace every day to pay her respects, and she doesn't allow you to take a sedan chair, which is clearly bullying you." .Master, let's not go anymore, okay? She is the queen, and you are still Princess Qi!
The Su family is a small family, why should the master be so angry!The matter is getting serious, and with the backing of Qi Guo, the emperor dare not do anything to you! "

Although there is a difference in honor and inferiority, the status of a noble concubine is not as high as that of a queen.But Qi Yuan'er just felt sorry for her master who married Zhou Guo far away, and she still forbeared everywhere.Lian Qiao seems to be different now, that's why she dared to say such disrespectful words.

As soon as Qi Yuan'er finished speaking, Lian Qiao saw a group of court ladies and eunuchs walking slowly in a sedan chair not far away.

"who is she?"

"Master, why is she confused? She is pregnant and promised. She was originally a court lady, but after being favored by the emperor, she was appointed as an official woman. After the diagnosis of the happy pulse, she was promoted and agreed. Now she lives in Changle Palace."

In fact, Lian Qiao didn't care about this woman's status or where she lived.It's just that when the sedan chair that An promised came to her, Lian Qiao suddenly noticed that the woman's facial features were somewhat similar to the original owner's.

Lian Qiao just came to this plane, and although she hasn't had the chance to see her own face, there are two photos of the original owner in the information given by the system.One is dressed in a bright red wedding dress, with beautiful eyes, shy and charming.In the other photo, Zhou Guo's costume was replaced, dignified and elegant.

When An Qirou's sedan chair came to her, she didn't seem to want to speak, but the eunuchs carried her directly past Lianqiao.

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows slightly, "An promised whether she is blind or stupid, and she doesn't salute me when she sees Ben Gong."

It's fine if you don't meet, but if you do, it's still like this. Isn't this slapping her noble concubine in the face?

An Qirou sat on the sedan chair and covered her lips with a slight smile, "Oh, I'm so rude, this concubine was in a hurry to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to deliver snacks to the emperor, so I didn't see the imperial concubine or empress."

As she spoke, An Qirou rubbed her stomach. "It's just that the road is slippery in the snow, and the concubine is pregnant with a dragon fetus. I wonder if the imperial concubine can let the concubine pass first?"

One emperor per mouth, one dragon fetus per mouth.

Lian Qiao smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "You dare to bargain with Ben Gong even if you promise. Just kneel in the snow for half an hour."

"What?" An Qirou exclaimed, and then said grimly: "It doesn't matter how the concubine is. If there is something wrong with the fetus in the womb, I don't know if the imperial concubine can bear this responsibility."

"Whether you can afford it or not is another matter. You kneel first." Lian Qiao glanced at An Qirou, "If the child is gone, I will pray for him. May he open his eyes and reincarnate in the next life. If the mother in the next life It’s really pitiful to be like Ann promised.”

When the original owner went out, besides Qi Yuaner, he also brought two court ladies and two eunuchs with him.


(End of this chapter)

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