Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 79 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 79 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (17)

Master Jiu took a sip of his hot tea, and said calmly, "Commander Wei should know that only Xichang can do such a thing by mistake."

The implication is that Dongchang was not caught by mistake.

"Jiuye..." Wei Qi clasped his hands together, with pain in his eyes, "He is very important to me."

"This governor is a man of principle."

"Master Jiu, he is really innocent, he was maliciously instigated!"

"When you do it, you do it."

"Ninth Master!"

The air in the study suddenly became tense, Lian Qiao raised her hand weakly. "I have a question……"

Jiu Ye still took a sip of tea unhurriedly: "Why are you still here? Children shouldn't stay up late."

Lian Qiao: "..."

She's been here for a while, okay?
The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she asked, "I want to ask, who is Commander Wei talking about?"

Song Zheng?

That's too miserable!

Was thrown into Dongchang Prison by Master Jiu?

Tsk, I feel a little bit sorry for my brother, but I also feel a little gloating for some reason!

Yes, just a little bit!

At that time Wei Qi didn't speak, but Master Jiu said: "Ask Commander Wei, let him tell you who he is looking for."

After a long while, Wei Qi bit his head and said, "Song Zheng, the number one scholar handpicked by the emperor last year."

Lian Qiao couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

champion?Or text?Just Song Zheng?
Sorry, she smiled unconscionably. "But how could Song Zhuangyuan belong to Jin Yiwei?"

Wei Qi's expression was a bit unnatural, Jiuye touched Lianqiao's head, and said, "What are you doing asking so many questions? Commander Wei said yes, after all, he was raised by his own brother since he was a child, but... ..."

Master Jiu moved his big palm from the top of Lian Qiao's head to the back of her neck, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know Song Zheng?"

Lian Qiao only felt that fate was strangling the back of her neck, so she was quick to think: "There used to be a distant cousin named Song Zheng in my family. I met him when I was a child, but we haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know if it is or not. Maybe it was because I was young at the time. It’s unknown if it’s broken.”

That's a no-brainer.

If luck is good, Song Zheng is the cousin of the original owner, then everyone will be happy, if not, then she has misremembered.

"You're clever." Master Jiu let go of the back of her neck, and his eyes fell on Wei Qi again. "For the sake of my cousin from far away, I think it's the governor who accidentally arrested Jin Yiwei. It's just that he will be punished..."

"It's up to me to take it."

Lian Qiao: Wow, Master Jiu, you have principles!
Really fragrant.

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Master Jiu hummed in satisfaction. "Let's go to the dungeon."


Wei Qi was slightly stunned, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Jiu, for your mercy!"

It's just a dungeon, not a water prison, and it's not a prison that no one in Dongchang has ever survived!
"You're welcome. It's just that the commander of the guard is strong and strong. Didn't the dungeon neglect you? Why don't you go to prison? Wait for the commander of the guard to experience more methods, and then you can exchange some experience with the governor."

Wei Qi: "... What Master Jiu said is true."

Lian Qiao: "..."

So perverted, she likes it so much!
After begging for nothing, Lian Qiao finally met Song Zheng from this plane in the dungeon.I saw him wearing a white prison uniform. Although his appearance was not much different from the previous plane, he was thin and tall, and he was really bookish.

If you don't speak, you really look like a frail scholar.

Lian Qiao stood in front of the cell, staring at Song Zheng's face and wanted to smile.

At this time, Song Zheng snorted coldly, and spat: "The witch."

Lian Qiao: "???"

Brother, did I provoke you?

Master Jiu's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, Wei Qi only felt a bulge in his temple, and hurriedly said: "Ah Zheng, apologize to Miss Shen!"

Song Zheng turned around, leaving Lian Qiao with a mighty and unyielding back.


(End of this chapter)

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