Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 792 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 792 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (10)

Only then did Lian Qiao understand why there were so many pregnant concubines in the palace.

With a chuckle, she said: "The emperor doesn't even come to Fengluan Palace, what can I do, I can't tie him to come here."

"Master, I love you dearly. When you were in Qi State, you were hired by three matchmakers and six hired, and you wore a red wedding dress. With red makeup, you admired the capital city. Who would have thought that Zhou Yun was a pseudonym, and Zhou Yuncheng was his real name. Everything is The deception only made it difficult for the master to enter the palace for the noble concubine, and now he has to worry about his heirs."

Qi Yuan'er saw Zhou Yuncheng's indifference towards his master and felt pain in his heart.How much she wished that her master could divorce Zhou Yun when she was in Qi State, instead of marrying her husband and following her husband to marry Zhou State far away.

Lian Qiao glanced at Qi Yuaner, her eyes darkened slightly.

In the original plot, the original owner was not buried for Zhou Yuncheng, but Qi Yuaner was buried for the original owner.

"Yuan'er, your master has already regretted it."

Regretting falling in love with someone who shouldn't be loved, wasting years and youth in this deep palace.

"Master..." Qi Yuaner burst into tears.

Fearing that she would not regret it, she followed the emperor of Zhou all her life.

I'm also afraid that she will regret it, because the matter has come to this point, there is nothing I can do.

Lian Qiao wiped away the tears from the corners of Qi Yuaner's eyes with a handkerchief. "Don't cry anymore, there is a turning point for everything. I will write a letter and send it back to Qi Country. If the emperor agrees with me to go back, it will be just right. If not, then treat Qi Lianqiao as dead. It's okay to feign death and leave the palace."

The difficulty is not to leave, but to give birth to the courage to leave.

The courage to break with the past and the determination to abandon everything.

After hearing Lian Qiao's words, Qi Yuan'er was shocked at first, then frowned: "Master, you need to be careful, don't let the emperor know."


Everything in the harem seems to be normal, but the other concubines go to Fengyi Palace to greet Su Jiu on the first and fifteenth day of the new year, but Lian Qiao never goes there even on the first and fifteenth day of the new year.

There was a lot of discussion in the palace, and Su Jiu also complained to Zhou Yuncheng about this matter behind his back.Zhou Yuncheng just froze for a moment, "Let her go."

"Your Majesty..." Su Jiu lowered her eyes, and her voice was filled with sorrow. "But she used to come to pay her respects every day, but now she doesn't say anything like before, and she doesn't come on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. The concubine doesn't mean to hope that Concubine Qi will toss her back and forth, but it's hard for a concubine like her to convince everyone."

The truth is this, but Zhou Yuncheng sighed lightly: "Let her go, I have wronged her too."

He still remembered Princess Qi riding a horse and whipping her whip in a bright red dress, but now that she entered the palace and became Concubine Qi, she was not as energetic as usual.

Su Jiuliu frowned slightly, "What does the emperor mean? To be a concubine is to wrong her? Then the emperor should just give her the position of concubine!"

Only then did Zhou Yuncheng realize that he had spoken his mind.But he is the emperor after all, so he can only say in a deep voice: "If the queen is yours, it is yours. How can a country's queen be nonsense?"

Su Jiu was silent for a while, and blessed her body: "It's the concubine who lost her composure."

Zhou Yuncheng hummed, with a serious face: "Be careful next time."

What he likes is Su Jiu's gentleness, not for her to refute and question him.Besides, he had never met Qi Lianqiao before, he just made a noble concubine, and he just turned a blind eye and didn't care about her too much, so what's wrong?

After Su Jiu left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, her fingertips had pinched red marks on Bai Nen's palm.

Nan Xin was a little worried, but she could only stay by her side quietly.

The balance in the emperor's heart tilted.


On the third day after Lian Qiao sent the letter out, Qi Yuan'er walked into her bedroom and whispered, "Master guessed right, our letter has been withheld."

Qi Yuan'er was a little chilled, her master had married Zhou Guo far away, and the emperor of Zhou Guo didn't trust her all this time.


(End of this chapter)

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