Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 803 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 803 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (21)

Xiao Yan didn't tell anyone these words, but in front of Feng Su, he seemed to find a vent, and spoke out all the words in his heart.

Feng Su's footsteps paused, and after Xiao Yan finished speaking, he lifted his lips: "What's the use of His Highness saying this? You've already married Princess Qi Rui, haven't you?"

"Yes." Xiao Yan's eyes were red, "but I can't help it. I am the prince of a country, I can't win her heart, and I can't take her away. I still want to marry a woman I don't love, even if this Man is her sister."

Even if this younger sister resembles her very much.

Feng Su can actually understand the pain in Xiao Yan's heart. Born in the emperor's family, he can't help himself most of the time.He thought for a while, and said: "His Royal Highness, you think the life of the imperial concubine is not good, but you have thought that the life of the princess is also not good. The noble concubine who can't make it to the Zhou country, at least treat the people around her better."

Love in the world is mostly a pity.What is not obtained is the best, and what is obtained seems to be bleak.Before he knew it, he had already hurt a heart.

The girl who looks down upon may also be the white moonlight in other people's hearts.

Feng Su's eyes are deep, but fortunately he has no worries and no restraints.

Xiao Yan calmed down a little.Since I couldn't see Feng Su's clothes clearly in the dark night, I could only ask: "Who are you? All the men in the palace are eunuchs except for the guards. It is impossible to have guards in the harem, so you are..."


Feng Su turned his head and glanced at him, "If your Highness thinks so, then so be it."

Xiao Yan: "..."


After sending Xiao Yan out of the palace, Feng Su was somewhat worried about Fengluan Palace.

After all, taking Xiao Yan away could only make the situation less bad, but it could not make the emperor no doubt.

At the same time, the candles in Fengluan Palace kept burning.

Lian Qiao sat on the bed, holding the dagger that Feng Su had dropped in her hand.

The dagger is exquisite in workmanship, and a small trace is engraved on the handle.

The system silently estimated the price of the dagger, feeling: [It's so expensive. ]
So when Feng Su opened the door and came in, he saw such a scene.The girl was sitting on the bed, her blue hair was scattered on her shoulders, and her eyes were downcast.

Is she doing well?
Feng Su suddenly remembered what Xiao Yan said.

When Lian Qiao heard the movement, she raised her eyes to see a man in a black brocade robe.

The system again estimated the price of this brocade robe, and said: [It's so expensive. ]
If the system says it's expensive, it must be quite expensive.

[Tongzi, which one is more expensive, the dragon robe or this brocade robe? ]
The system thought about it, [This is more than worse. ]
Lian Qiao became more and more curious about Feng Su's identity.

At that time, Feng Su also saw the dagger in Lian Qiao's hand, "It's a small thing, if the imperial concubine likes it, I'll give it to you."

Lian Qiao: "..."

The system felt offended, and in order to prove that it was a serious and wealthy system, the system produced 99 daggers in one go.

Lian Qiao: "..."

how to say.

Childish, but like it.

Lian Qiao didn't say a word, and her expression was a little lonely.Feng Su saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Did the emperor say something?"

Lian Qiao shook her head, "He gave me a Heli book."

"He Lishu?"

Feng Su had never heard of emperors sending and leaving books to concubines in the palace.Generally speaking, isn't it abolished queens, downgraded points, or directly thrown into the limbo?

"Yes, He Li." Lian Qiao looked around, "As long as I don't leave this palace, I can do whatever I want. I can have affairs with guards, eunuchs, and maids. Hmm... It’s not considered an affair, it was approved by the emperor.”

Feng Su: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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