Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 814 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 814 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (32)

"Your Majesty, look at her waist, she walks like a weak willow supporting the wind. Look at her little hands, her fingers are like cutting onion roots. Your Majesty..."

What else did Lian Qiao want to say, Zhou Yuncheng glanced at her indifferently: "If the imperial concubine likes it, how about I give it to Feng Su?"

Lian Qiao immediately shut down the microphone.

Zhou Yuncheng raised his sleeve to cover his lips, no one knew that a smile flicked across his lips.

When he put down his sleeves, his complexion returned to normal, and he said: "Leave it, the position... is always there."

"Your Majesty, my lord, what a girl."

Zhou Yuncheng glanced at Lian Qiao again. "My lord."

"Your majesty, give me a title, what a girl."

Zhou Yuncheng coughed lightly, "Your pleasure."

Why does it feel like the host is selling cabbage?

What a cabbage, buy two, buy two.

At that time, Su Jiu was about to twist the handkerchief together, bit her lips and complained, "Your Majesty..."

In fact, in Zhou Yuncheng's plan, he really didn't intend to keep this woman.Because if she stayed, it would indeed be a threat to Su Jiu.

But he softened, because Lian Qiao softened.

"Your Majesty, letting Yugui enter the palace is also conducive to the balance of power in the previous dynasty, isn't it?"

After Lian Qiao finished talking good and bad words, Zhou Yuncheng snorted softly. "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics."

It is indeed conducive to the balance of power in the previous dynasty, but it is not very friendly to Su Jiu.

Lian Qiao followed the same pattern and added several concubines from prominent families to Zhou Yuncheng's harem.What's more, they entered the palace willingly, not for the sake of love, but entirely for the post.

When Su Jiu was very angry, Lian Qiao persuaded Zhou Yuncheng to take the plainly dressed girl back.

"What's wrong with this time?"

Lian Qiao raised her eyes, "She looks better than the concubine, and the concubine is not happy to see her."

Concubine Xi who was eating melon next to him: "?"

Is it prettier than the imperial concubine?Ok? ?

Lian Qiao persuaded Zhou Yuncheng to let go of the girls.They are all girls who are unwilling to enter the palace, their families are reluctant to let them enter the palace, and because of royal rules, they must enter the palace to participate in the draft.

After the draft, Su Jiu was so angry that she was about to faint.After everyone dispersed, Zhou Yuncheng asked in a deep voice, "Have you played enough?"

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "Your Majesty must put the overall situation first, and not only care about the small thoughts of the empress."

According to Su Jiu's meaning, it is almost contrary to the current result.

The girl from a small family stays, and there is no threat to her succession at all, just let her be squeezed.But they don't want to enter the palace at all, why bother to let them bury their youth in this deep palace.

Zhou Yuncheng sighed softly, "You still don't want to make the queen feel better, do you?"

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, "The concubine just wants to have some fun."

"If she is unhappy, you will be happy?"

"Is the empress unhappy already? This concubine thinks this is just the beginning."

This is just the beginning.

Didn't Su Jiu want to fight in the palace, didn't she want to sit firmly in the back seat, didn't she want to be afraid of the original owner?Then give it a try, not all women are as kind as the original owner.If you want to be in the back position, you have to pay some price.

When Lian Qiao left, Zhou Yuncheng pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

Knowing that Lian Qiao was messing around, he followed suit anyway.

Now it's all right, the power of the previous dynasty is balanced, and the ministers' mouths can be blocked, but Fengyi Palace can't explain it.

Zhou Yuncheng thought it was funny, isn't Lian Qiao really an undercover agent sent by the former minister?

 Good night~
  Today is still 8 updates, continue to work hard tomorrow! ! (Unreasonable and strong.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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