Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 829 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 829 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (3)

"I'm so poor, I'm a human being. I'll be old when Neptune leaves the customs. I'm old, and my mother must be even older. Where will I find my mother then?" When Lian Qiao spoke, her eyes The heart is full of tears.

Then the tears flowed down like beads from a broken thread.

Jing Yu reached out and touched it, "Zai Zai, your tears are not pearls."

Lian Qiao: "..."

The system couldn't help laughing out loud. [The host, the male partner was picked up by the mermaid king when he was still a dragon egg.So he grew up in the mermaid clan and the mermaid princess Murong Zhi.The heroine Murong Zhi sheds pearls when she cries, so this is probably the first time the supporting actor has seen a girl shed tears that are not pearls since he was a child. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
She wanted to wipe away her tears, but Lian Qiao found that her arms were wrapped in her robe by the scene.

Fortunately, in the next second, Jing Yu had already wiped her tears with his sleeve. "Stop crying, I'll take you out to play."

Jing Yu hugged Lian Qiao in his arms, covered her with a large cloak, and then cast a spell to leave the Sea Palace.

Lian Qiao huddled in his arms, hearing bubbles bubbling outside.

"Who are you, why did you come to Haiwang Palace to find my father?"

Lian Qiao asked casually, and Jing Yu's body instantly became stiff. "No, nothing."

He will keep this secret in his heart forever.

But in the next second, the system excitedly explained to Lianqiao: [Host host, spiritual power is scarce in the world now, and only when you are with God can you breed dragons.According to the data, apart from you, only the former God of War, Chongxiu, still has his divine book.So he came to the Sea Palace, of course he wanted to find you to have a baby. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
Yes, a little suddenly.

Lian Qiao: [But the original owner is already dead. If I hadn't come to this plane, wouldn't there be no dragons born again? ]
System: [Either no dragon was born, or Jingyu and Chongxiu were together.The latter is less likely, however. ]
Lian Qiao didn't understand, [The possibility is very small? ]

System: [The possibility is very small, which has two meanings.One is that although Chongxiu is still a divine book, he only has [-]% of his divine power left, so no one can guarantee that Jingyu will be able to give birth to cubs if he is with him.Secondly... Chongxiu is the hero, the man Murong Zhi likes, the situation will not touch him. ]
After listening to the system's explanation, Lian Qiao was quite moved. [So although Jing Yu and Murong Zhi are childhood sweethearts, my rival in love is not Murong Zhi, but Murong Zhi's lover? ]
System: [Yes. ]
Surprised, not surprised, not surprised.


Jing Yu lived with the mermaid clan in the crystal palace under the sea since she was a child, and moved out of the mermaid clan's crystal palace after she became an adult.

Lian Qiao was covered by a black cloak and couldn't see anything. After some time, she heard an old voice: "His Highness is back?"

Jing Yu exchanged a few words with the old man, and just about to enter the door, he heard the old man ask again: "What is His Highness holding in his arms? I seem to hear the sound of breathing, and smell the smell of human cubs."

Jing Yu was stunned for a moment, then regained his composure and said, "It's a doll that was thrown into the sea. I felt very pitiful, so I brought it back."

The old man was not too surprised, "Then remember to feed a spirit bead and send it back to the shore in about an hour. Even if you eat the spirit bead, human beings can't survive on the bottom of the sea for too long."

Jing Yu nodded obediently, "Understood, Grandpa."

After Jing Yu walked into the room, the old man shrugged and said helplessly, "Others brought back a beautiful lady, why did His Highness bring back a milk doll?"


(End of this chapter)

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