Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 834 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 834 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (8)

Jing Yu sent Lian Qiao to bed, and then solemnly flipped through a very serious book.

The book does not introduce much about the springs, it only says that the mermaid tribe is the ethnic group with the deepest spiritual power in the seabed, and has been deeply loved by all ethnic groups in the seabed for thousands of years.

Probably the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.All previous mermaid tribes have taken on the responsibility of protecting the East China Sea, and the most important one is to protect the springs.

Springs can be said to be the source of life in the seabed. Once they are exhausted or polluted, the springs can only be replaced.But now that the environmental pollution is getting more and more serious, the self-purification ability of the spring can no longer guarantee its relative clarity.

The most well-known way to replace the spring is the devotion of previous mermaid princesses.Because their eyes are the clearest, it is perfect to turn them into springs.

The situation is rather worrying, because the current mermaid princess is Murong Zhi who grew up with him.

He looked at it, and quickly turned to the end of the book.It was found that there was a blank page first, and then several sheets of paper were torn, and the contents of the torn papers were naturally unknown.

Jing Yu felt that it was a pity, and originally wanted to put the book back, but suddenly guessed that there might be words on this blank page, but it was cast with an invisibility spell.

Thinking of this, he tried several ways to break the curse, and finally made the words on the blank page appear.I saw a few lines written on it: Linglong heart can also be used as a spring, but it is hard to find people with Linglong heart in the world.If you don't have an exquisite heart, Hai's daughter is fine.

"Daughter of the sea?" Jing Yu murmured, very puzzled.

I have only heard of the daughter of the king of the sea, but I have never heard of the daughter of the sea.

Besides, no matter whose daughter it is, it is a life.Jing Yu felt that sacrificing a fresh life to preserve the entire sea area, although righteous, was quite tragic.

Is there really no duality in this world?

Jing Yu has lived for thousands of years, besides the headache of giving birth to a cub, now there is another protection spring.

The older I get, the more troubles I have.


In the early morning of the next day, Murong Zhi came early to look for Jingyu.

In the past, Chongxiu, the God of War, founded a school not far from the East China Sea, and the courses he taught were very similar to the knowledge learned by human beings.The environment of the ocean and forest is getting worse and worse. Many spirit beasts have started to study related courses in this school one after another after they took human form.

No one knows what the future of the ocean and forest will be. All they can do is to blend in with humans as much as possible and adapt to their habits until they can hide themselves in the downtown.

Even if the price of survival is to leave the homeland on which one lives.

Even... there are too many beasts that can never be cultivated in human form.

Murong Zhi and Jing Yu wanted to go to such a school.In a sense, it is teaching many Eldar how to survive in a future where spiritual power will become thinner, and how to survive in a future where the environment will be worse.

Murong Zhi came early to look for Jing Yu, but she didn't expect to see a little girl in his residence.

At that time, Lian Qiao was sitting on a small bench, and Jing Yu hurriedly pinned her a little chirp.

"She..." Murong Zhi was stunned, "She's so beautiful."

Hearing Murong Zhi's voice, Jing Yu didn't even turn his head, "Just sit for a while, and you'll be fine soon."

"Who is she? Where did you get it?"

This is the third time Jingyu heard this question, and he couldn't help but smile. "Stolen."

Murong Zhi: "I want to steal one too!"

"No more, just one."

Find another one, and it won't be as cute as his cub.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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