Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 838 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 838 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (12)

The words "Your Zai Zai" fell into Jing Yu's ears...

Tsk, why does it feel a little pleasing to the ear.

"Human life is very short." Murong Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "After more than ten years, your cub will grow up, fall in love with a little boy, and will never go back to the bottom of the sea with you again." Yes. But you can wait, when your Zai Zai and that little boy have Zai Zai, you can still play and study with Zai Zai's Zai Zai."

Jing Yu's expression froze. "Go and go, Zai Zai himself is still Zai Zai, what kind of Zai Zai is born?"

Why is he still a little distressed?
Murong Zhi stuck out her tongue, "I'm telling the truth. By the way, you said you wanted to find her mother, do you have any clues?"

When it came to business, Jing Yu managed to suppress the dryness in his heart. "Still investigating, but there is no progress so far."

Because no one has ever known that Neptune had been with a human woman, let alone when Neptune had a daughter.

It was as if...a mother and daughter had appeared out of thin air.

Murong Zhi pursed her lips slightly: "Don't worry, I will also help to check. Human life is only a few decades, so if you want to do something, do it immediately. Otherwise, if you are buried, you will have no chance. "

Scenario: "..."

Will you talk, will you talk?
Murong Zhi's body finally got better. Although she still felt tired, it was not as unbearable as before.

When she got up, Jing Yu gave her a hand.

Murong Zhi smiled slightly, "Jing Yu, it's actually great to have a friend like you. Just like now, if someone else comes to help me, I might have to worry about whether he has other plans for me. You won't, I know you will always be my friend."

Jing Yu snorted, "Who is so short-sighted? He still has plans for you."

"Stinky scene, I take back what I just said!"



Jing Yu glanced at Murong Zhi, his eyes darkened slightly.He is Murong Zhi's friend and always will be.As long as he is here, he will try his best to protect Murong Zhi from harm.

At the same time, Murong Zhi smiled helplessly.

Whether her father, king, or queen mother, they all know that she has a crush on Chongxiu.But no one will ever know that she also liked the situation of her childhood sweetheart.

It's just that she's not a god, so she can't give Jingyu what she wants. Murong Zhi also knows that Jingyu only treats her as a good friend, and has no affection for her.

So instead of expressing your affection and embarrassing the two of them so much that they don't even have to be friends, it's better to bury this secret love at the bottom of the sea.

In a sense, friends go further than lovers.

Murong Zhi fell in love with Chongxiu only after she gave up her circumstances.Although they are all her secret loves, Chongxiu and circumstances are different.The risk of liking the environment is too great, and worshiping...

Murong Zhi wanted to fight.

Everyone is happy if they win, but if they lose, they will just forget about each other, what a big deal.

Murong Zhi really felt sorry for herself. "Jing Yu, why doesn't anyone like me?"

Jing Yu couldn't help laughing, "How come no one likes you? When did you become too modest and start belittling yourself?"

"I'm saying that the person I like doesn't like me."

Jing Yu was stunned for a while before he said: "Zhi'er, it is said that the calamity of life is easy and the calamity of love is difficult. If it is so easy to be in love with each other, how can there be so many idiots complaining about women in the world?"

After a pause, he said again: "If you like it, just fight for it. If there is no result, forget it. People don't just live for love, right?"

"And why?"

"Eat, drink, and have fun."

Murong Zhi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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