Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 848 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 848 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (22)

Although Jing Yu doesn't know the exact reason, he can probably understand why Neptune dared to put the human cubs aside, and then retreated with peace of mind.

It's as if he just tore up the love letter someone else wrote to Lian Qiao an hour ago, and after an hour, there is no need to worry about this issue at all.

It turned out that she didn't grow up at all.

Lian Qiao threw herself into Jing Yu's arms.

In fact, Jing Yu hadn't hugged her for a long time, and thought that he would never have the chance to hug her again.Now looking at the aggrieved Tuanzi in his arms, I really can't laugh or cry.

"Okay, let's ask Professor Chong to find out what's going on. I always feel like you have been cast on some kind of spell."

Jing Yu looked at the little girl in his arms, she seemed to be younger than ten years ago.If we don't solve this problem, wouldn't we become a baby in the end with a ten-year cycle?

If she really becomes a baby, Jing Yu feels that she is not incapable of taking care of her.It's just that it can only grow up to 15 years old forever, which is somewhat regrettable.Although the life of human beings is only a few decades, each stage has its own charm that belongs to that age group.

Lian Qiao is really wronged. Originally, there were only three years left before she could become an adult. After she became an adult, she could... Cough, but now she is still a dumpling.

Lian Qiao was hugged by Jing Yu, her face was buried on his shoulder.

Jing Yu hugged her with one hand, and rummaged through the wardrobe with the other.Then, from the innermost layer of the closet, I dug out the little skirt that used to be. "Let's make do with it first, luckily I didn't throw it away."

Putting the little skirt on the bed, Jing Yu looked at Lian Qiao and said, "Zai Zai, you can dress yourself, it should be... okay?"

In the end, Lian Qiao looked at him eagerly: "Do you have the heart to let such a cute kid dress himself?"

Scenario: "..."

In the office, both Chong Xiu and Murong Zhi were there.

Lian Qiao didn't want to face this reality very much, and buried her head in Jing Yu's arms from beginning to end.

Lian Qiao: [It was agreed that if the obsessed person becomes five and a half years old, his divine power will recover after ten years? ]
recovered?It's fine if she doesn't recover, she has become a child again!

System: [I, accident, just write ten years on the information. ]
The system remained silent, and found a few gold mines for Lian Qiao to make amends.

In the past ten years, Lian Qiao has been paying close attention to the movements of Haiwang Palace.But it turns out that everyone thought that Neptune was practicing in seclusion, and no one had ever noticed that Neptune had actually left Neptune Palace.

If Neptune's death ten years ago was caused by others, there shouldn't be any abnormalities in these ten years.Everything in the Sea Palace is in order. If there is anything unusual in the past ten years, the only thing that is wrong is the scene of sneaking into the Sea Palace.

But his purpose Lian Qiao couldn't be clearer, he didn't have to kill Haiwang, and he might not be able to kill Haiwang.

It's not the circumstances, how did the Neptune in the original plot die strangely.

At that time, Jing Yu could feel Lian Qiao's loss, reached out and touched her head, and then asked Chong Xiu: "Professor Chong, do you think someone has cast a spell on her?"

"It doesn't seem to be." Chongxiu shook his head, "The ten-year cycle seems to be insane."

"But Zai Zai is a human being, how could he become obsessed?"

Murong Zhi's question was also the question of everyone present.Chongxiu frowned slightly, "Send her back to Haiwang Palace, it was a mistake for you to bring her out."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the office.

Everyone knows that this is the most important thing to do right now, but...

Jing Yu's eyes darkened slightly, "Send it back, and Sea King is also in seclusion."

And after sending it back, can he see Zai Zai again?


(End of this chapter)

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