Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 852 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 852 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (26)

Seeing Murong Zhi's big reaction, the classmates immediately lost interest. "Oh, just kidding, is it necessary to go online like this?"

Murong Zhi laughed angrily.

She is online?
When it comes to relationships, you can’t make any mistakes. One party will give it a try. If it succeeds, they will play together. If they fail, they will change to another target.Not to mention the situation, even Murong Zhi looked down on this kind of approach.

Earlier, Murong Zhi had joked in front of Jing Yu, and teased that his behavior was somewhat authoritarian.But ridicule is ridicule, Murong Zhi can understand the situation, and deep in his heart supports his approach.

If moderate interference can prevent Zai Zai from being hurt, Murong Zhi thinks it's fine.

No longer arguing with the group of people in the class, Murong Zhi just dropped one sentence: "Don't think about her, even if she is a human being, she is not something you can think about at will!"

Even if you can pass the level of Jingyu, you can't pass the level of Haiwang.

There was a lot of commotion at the school, and so was the Sea Palace.

The disappearance of Neptune during the retreat has already caused chaos in the palace of Neptune. In addition, the daughter of Neptune appeared in the sky, and everyone was even more shocked.

"Elder Shen, Your Highness Jing Yu said that this is the daughter of King Hai, look..."

When Shenyou stepped into the main hall, what fell into his eyes was a young man in a black robe, holding a little girl in his arms.

The last dragon in the world, Shenyou has never seen it, and he has never heard of the name of Jingyu.

Shen You stepped forward, greeted Jing Yu very politely, and then dismissed the others.

Shen You is not in Haiwang Palace on weekdays, and only occasionally comes to have a look when he has something to do.

When Shenyou looked at the situation, the situation was also looking at him.Dressed in white, he has a cool demeanor.Walking over from a distance, there is a bit of a sense of immortality.

Shen You poured a cup of tea for Jing Yu, and then slowly said, "Your Highness, why don't we have an open and honest chat, what do you want?"

He didn't ask why there was a daughter, and he didn't ask how to prove that he was the flesh and blood of Neptune, but asked what Jing Yu wanted.

So not only Jing Yu was stunned, but even Lian Qiao was stunned.

Shenyou's eyes fell on Lianqiao's face, and after a long time, he finally curled his lips: "Let me guess, maybe you want to go to the place where Haiwang retreats and practice? I'll take you there."

Jingyu did have this plan, but Shenyou's promise was too straightforward, which made people suspicious.

Shen You stood up, paused slightly, then turned around and asked Jing Yu, "Can I hug her?"

Jing Yu shook his head subconsciously: "No."

Even Murong Zhi had never hugged Zai Zai, let alone this strange man in front of him.

After being rejected, Shinyu was not upset. "Then come with me."

The place where the original owner retreated was covered with lava, and before entering, he felt that it was on fire.

Lian Qiao remembered that when she first came to this plane, she didn't appear here.Later, the system told her to run quickly, and she encountered a situation after she ran out.

When the original owner went mad, his divine power was trapped in his body and he couldn't use it.It was said that the phoenix was reborn from ashes and reborn from the ashes, but the original owner without divine protection was just an ordinary child of five and a half years old, so naturally he couldn't withstand the scorching of the lava.

Speaking of the bizarre death, Lian Qiao felt that it had something to do with the lava.

Shenyou stopped walking outside the lava, "Your Highness, I will send you here. My original form is a white plum in the snow. If I enter this place full of lava, I will be lost in a short time."


(End of this chapter)

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