Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 872 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 872 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (46)

At that time, Lian Qiao was only a 15-and-a-half-year-old girl in school, and the students around her watched her grow up.All of them are countless times older than her, and they can still have feelings for Lian Qiao in this situation. Isn't this a beast?
Seeing Jingyu's serious and upright expression, Lian Qiao said slowly: "That person wrote the love letter, but it was secretly taken to Princess Murong by someone else. After I returned to Donghai, I received a letter from that person. Send an explanation message."

That's why she knew about the love letter.

"Even if it was taken away secretly by others, he shouldn't like you. Tell me who he is?"

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, "Actually, it's not as bad as you imagined, because...he is also human."


The situation suddenly dawned, "Yu En?"

"It's him."

If it was Yu En, he really couldn't be called a beast.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, and said, "He said he was sorry that the love letter he wrote had disturbed my life, and he didn't intend to express his heart so early, but was accidentally teased by other boys in the class. He also said . . . he meant it."

He is also a human being, and his lifespan is just a few decades.

Lian Qiao was 15 years old at the time and her love affair was just beginning.And he is not yet thirty, and he is in the prime of his life.And no matter which aspect it is, Yu En is already ready to shield the other half from the wind and rain.

When Jing Yu knew that the person was Yu En, he felt quite emotional.In fact, if Lian Qiao were human, Yu En would really be the best choice.Don't tell the truth, if you like it, you will take good care of Lianqiao for the rest of your life.

"However, I replied to the message later and said it was inappropriate. He also understood what I meant, so he didn't contact me again." If Shen You was a love debt provoked by the original owner, Yu En was even if Lian Qiao accidentally provoked her. .

She had no intention of making Yu En fall in love with her, but the matter of feelings is delicate, and no one can predict the ending.

"Let's not talk about that." Lian Qiao poured herself a cup of tea, "Anyway, you tore up my love letter to be responsible to me."

Jing Yu took a sip of tea, and it took him a while to recover: "Okay."

In the past, when he was studying at school, he had read this sentence: Two people can enter the palace of marriage by stepping on the bones of countless predecessors and admirers.

Jing Yu's perception was not that deep before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he feels that he is too lucky.Speaking with emotion, when he knew that he was the last dragon in the world, Jing Yu didn't feel so lucky.Now that he knows that Shen You and Yu En are the men who passed by Lian Qiao, he feels how lucky he is...


At noon Lian Qiao and Shen You made an appointment in the bamboo forest, Jing Yu stayed in Haiwang Palace obediently, and did not propose to go with them.

After Lian Qiao confirmed that her makeup and clothing were all right, she turned and walked out of the room.After she left, Jing Yu was bored in the room, and while waiting, he thought of a word: Wang Wife Stone.

There is also a bamboo forest on the bottom of the sea, the bamboo leaves are slender and full of vitality.

Lian Qiao went to the appointment ahead of time, and after waiting for a stick of incense, she heard movement at the entrance of the bamboo forest.

The person who came was not Shen You, but a man in black and a mask.

The man was holding something in his arms and saw Lian Qiao bowing slightly. "Your Majesty, my master has gone on a trip this morning, and he probably won't be returning to the East China Sea in the short term."


(End of this chapter)

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