Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 874 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 874 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (48)

Lian Qiao was bitten and hurt, thinking that this is not a kiss, it is clearly a sign of wanting to tear her into her belly.But at this moment, it turned into a gentle touch again, tingling and numb, gradually moving down from the lips...

Both of them are like boats swaying on the sea, sometimes they are hit by a violent wave, and sometimes they are gently wiped by the waves...

It was already late at night when Lian Qiao woke up again, Jing Yu hugged her from behind and put one arm on her belly.

There are thousands of kinds of hugs, but Lian Qiao actually likes being hugged from behind.Although he couldn't see his face, his body temperature was behind him, which somehow made people feel at ease.

She closed her eyes, feeling the tenderness at this moment.

It was late at night, and the Sea King Palace was silent.

When Chong Xiu appeared outside the door, Lian Qiao and Jing Yu opened their eyes almost at the same time.


Lian Qiao asked in a deep voice, and put on her clothes casually.

When she was getting dressed, Jing Yu didn't move much, and even helped her get dressed.

Lian Qiao actually guessed that the person from outside was Chongxiu, and made up her mind that if it wasn't Chongxiu, she would just drag it out and chop it up.Anyone who trespasses on the Ocean Palace will be punished for the crime!

In the next second, Chongxiu broke open the door of the room directly with divine power, and then saw the Neptune fully dressed, and the scene where his body was simply covered with a quilt topless.

There was no need to panic, after all, the two of them were not stealing.It's just that Jing Yu didn't want Lian Qiao's body to be seen by others, so he quickly helped her put on her clothes.As for himself...

It's all men's business.

When he saw Jing Yu on Haiwang's bed, Chongxiu was really dumbfounded.At that time, Lian Qiao's face was extremely gloomy. "I haven't seen you for many years. The God of War's divine power hasn't recovered yet, but I've learned the low-level kung fu of climbing over the wall late at night. Do you think my temper is too good, so you regard this Sea Palace as a place where you can enter and exit at will!"

At this moment, both Chongxiu and Jingyu could see that Lian Qiao was angry.

Jing Yu glanced at Chong Xiu: "Professor Chong, what does this mean? Breaking open other people's doors in the middle of the night is indeed not what a gentleman would do."

Originally, Chongxiu had a strong sense of faith and confidence to break in, and even felt ashamed that Haiwang should be the one who failed Yao Qing after all.It's just that the appearance of the scene disrupted Chongxiu's rhythm, Chongxiu opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, his eyes changed slightly. "Yao Qing is here, isn't she?"

The nonsensical words made Lian Qiao feel boring, and she put her hands behind her back, "Not here."

"No, Qingqing must be here! I can feel her breath!"

Chongxiu didn't take the lead in asking about the relationship between Lian Qiao and Jing Yu, but directly asked Yao Qing, because at that moment just now, he really felt Yao Qing's breath.

Lian Qiao originally respected Chongxiu, but now that she has made such a fuss, she has no affection for him at all. "I said Yao Qing is not here!"

It is natural not to believe in worship. "I want to search, Qingqing must be here!"

He feels it!
After searching for so many years, I have never felt her existence so strongly!

Lian Qiao's eyes were sharp, "Chongxiu, if you dare to search, I dare to abolish you! Now that you have only [-]% of your divine power left, I can let you directly explain it here!"

After all, Chongxiu's footsteps paused, and his lips moved slightly: "But, but I can clearly feel her breath. King Hai, you hid Yao Qing, didn't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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