Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 876 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 876 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (50)

Chongxiu only felt emotions surging in his chest. "She never regrets it."

"Not regretting it only means that she has made the decision to leave you." Lian Qiao raised her eyes and glanced at Chongxiu, "Since Yao Qing in your heart is so courageous, if she can leave you, she can also leave me. Chongxiu, I For the last time, she is not in the Sea King Palace."

When Chongxiu frowned, Lian Qiao got up and walked to Jing Yu's side. "No matter what happened between Yao Qing and me, it is now in the past tense. The person next to me is Jing Yu. To be honest, you owe us an apology."

Chongxiu's trespassing on the Sea Palace, in a sense, isn't he using the past to disturb Lian Qiao's current life?
Neptune has already started a new life, but the worship of the God of War in the past is still stuck in the past.

Chongxiu clenched his fists slightly, but before apologizing, he questioned: "Did you let her go so easily?"

After letting go, even with Jingyu...

Lian Qiao chuckled, "How many people in the world can love the queen of the demon clan as deeply as the god of war?"

The queen of the demon clan, the female devil leader known in the six worlds.It is said that Chongxiu is falling in love with Yaoqing at the disgrace of the world, except him, no one can understand her, cherish her, protect her and love her.

Chongxiu sighed softly, "I hope you can treat her well, let alone let her go so easily."

In this way, at least after separating from him, someone still cares about her.

It's a pity that Haiwang and Yaoqing are a thing of the past, and he can't find his girl anymore.

When Chongxiu left the Sea Palace, he sincerely apologized to Lianqiao and Jingyu.

He thought Hai Wang was a heartless man, but when he thought about it carefully, with Yao Qing's personality, how could he be at a disadvantage.

Chongxiu looked back at the light blue egg in Jingyu's hand, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar.This strange feeling welled up in his heart, and his thin lips moved slightly: "That egg...can I take it away?"

Lian Qiao shook her head indifferently, "No."

This is the egg that Shenyou handed over to her, how could it be handed over to someone else?

Seeing Jingyu holding the light blue egg, his eyes were gentle.When it comes to the indescribable relationship between him and Neptune... Chongxiu suddenly thought that this might be a dragon's egg, and knew that he had overstepped. "Sorry, I didn't think carefully."

Lian Qiao nodded and let Chongxiu leave.

In fact, if anyone trespassed on the Sea Palace today, Lian Qiao would not let him go so easily.Only Chongxiu was an exception, because Lian Qiao didn't know what happened in the past, let alone whether Yao Qing's disappearance was related to the original owner.

Although Lian Qiao is not the original owner, with her identity, there is no way to completely break away from her network.

After Chongxiu left, Lian Qiao reached out and touched the cold light blue egg. "I don't know what hatched out? By the way, what is Yao Qing's original form?"

Jingyu recalled a little, "It is said that it is a snake, and it is the most dangerous, poisonous and strongest snake in the snake family."

In the past, the demon clan was indeed the object that all ethnic groups respected and stayed away from. They wore black clothes every day, were cold-blooded and ruthless, and did a lot of evil.Later, after Yao Qing came to power, she got a little better.

Hearing that Yao Qing was a snake, Lian Qiao's hand touching the egg paused slightly, her expression complicated. "Won't a snake hatch out?"

Chongxiu said he could feel Yaoqing's breath, and even frowned: "Could it be that this is Yaoqing's child?"

Snake eggs...

It's not Lian Qiao's racism, it's just that she feels a chill down her back for no reason.

Jing Yu doesn't know what will hatch, in short, everything is possible before the shell breaks.


(End of this chapter)

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