Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 88 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 88 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (26)

Before the banquet started, the ministers gathered together to greet and chat.

Song Zheng originally wanted to ask Lian Qiao to go outside to get some air, but Lian Qiao shook her head and stubbornly tugged at Master Jiu's sleeve and refused to let go.

"What's the matter with you, little one? Master Jiu will not be lost here, who would dare to bully him." Song Zheng couldn't understand why Lian Qiao relied on Master Jiu so much.

And in the process of getting along with Lian Qiao and Jiu Ye, there is no trace of reluctance at all.

On the contrary, it seemed that Lian Qiao liked Master Jiu to the core.

Lian Qiao stuck out her tongue at him, "The banquet is about to begin, if you run around, be careful that the commander of the guards won't let you out next time!"

This time Song Zheng was able to come out, to put it bluntly, it was thanks to Lian Qiao's blessing.

When Wei Qi was mentioned, Song Zheng faltered instantly. "All right, all right, you coward who is holding on to Master Jiu!"

After Song Zheng went back, Wei Qi had a half-smile and said, "If you are as well-behaved as Miss Shen, I can worry less."

Song Zheng was shocked: "You can hear it so far away?"

Or people?

Wei Qi glanced at him, "There is a skill in this world called lip reading."

Song Zheng: "..." Excuse me, excuse me.

Princess Wynn appeared at the banquet together with the emperor and queen.

Only fifteen years old, but dignified and beautiful.

Applying a little powder and daisy will make people pitiful.

She has a poetic and bookish spirit in her belly, she is beautiful and has an outstanding temperament.

Lian Qiao tugged at Master Jiu's sleeve, pouted: "Does it look good? Look at her one or two!"

Master Jiu's thin lips curled up slightly, and he smiled: "Your cousin Song Zheng also thinks that a woman who is good-looking should be good-looking."

Hearing this, Lian Qiao looked up, and sure enough, she saw Song Zheng's eyes shining.

The next second, Song Zheng suddenly showed a painful expression, afraid of screaming, and covered his mouth tightly with his hands.

"What's up with him?"

Master Jiu took a sip of tea, "Probably Commander Wei pinched him."

Lian Qiao thought for a while, then said: "Then Master Jiu, can I pinch you?"

Master Jiu: "..."

She didn't dare to pinch, Lian Qiao just lowered her head and bit Jiu Ye's finger.

It is said to bite, but it is gentle and soft.

Master Jiu's eyes darkened slightly, and he always felt that such a move was not right.

Strangely seductive.

What did it see when it was just turned on?
It's still a baby!
Baby is going to shut down! (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻
At this time, Wei Qi said lightly to Song Zheng: "Don't look at evil, Princess Huaiyin is not a woman you and I can think of. Apart from Princess Huaiyin, there are many good girls in Yanjing. I will arrange your marriage. .”

Song Zheng: "...Oh." Didn't he just look at Princess Huai Yin more.

The banquet was undoubtedly set up to welcome the crown prince and envoys of Nanyue Kingdom.

After drinking for three rounds, the emperor's body couldn't hold on anymore.At this time, Cang Mo, the slightly drunk Prince of Nanyue, got up slowly at the right time, "Dear Emperor Daqi, this prince has come from a long way, and Nanyue also intends to make good friends with your country. I heard that Daqi has a beautiful woman, and I saw it today." Extraordinary."

The northern part of Nanyue Kingdom is mountainous and the roads are rugged, so few people live there.In the south, however, there is an endless prairie. The so-called one side supports the other side. The women of Nanyue Kingdom are good at riding and shooting. Not to mention the open folk customs, there are many female generals who lead troops to fight.

Although this time Lonely is only seeking information in the name of marriage, but if the marriage is successful, he is also very willing to accept it.

At this time, the emperor could only touch his beard and say: "Prince Cangmo is absurd."

Facing the emperor's silence on the matter of marriage, Cang Mo didn't mind saying it again: "Your Majesty, this crown prince intends to make peace with your country, what do you think?"

The emperor's heart: You'd better shut up!

I saw the emperor smiled and said: "It's good, it's just that I only have one princess, Huai Yin, she is still young, and I still intend to keep her for another two years."

Hearing this, Princess Huai Yin heaved a sigh of relief, cupped her hands lonely, and said with a smile: "Princess Huai Yin is naturally excellent, but there are actually three candidates for the crown prince. The emperor can listen to it first, and then listen to it." It’s not too late to make plans.”


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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