Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 880 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 880 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (54)

He regards Yao Qing as his true love, and he also bears the price of loving her.Whether he lost [-]% of his divine power, or was severely injured by Haiwang today because of an egg, he would admit it.Because Chongxiu always felt that...that egg had something to do with Yaoqing.

She knew best how much divine power Lian Qiao exerted. At that time, Murong Zhi's eyes were foggy and Chongxiu's face was pale and weak. People who didn't know saw it and thought it was her, King of the Sea, who was bullying others again.

What is strong, what is weak, what is right, what is wrong.There are often errors in public judgment.And once misunderstood, removing prejudice is such a difficult and long process.

Fortunately, Lian Qiao doesn't care too much about these things, she always only does what she wants to do.For example, keep the egg Shenyou gave her, for example, always pay attention to the condition of the seabed spring.

Lian Qiao never thinks how great she is. She can be the most inconspicuous little person, and if she has the ability, she is willing to protect those who want to protect and deserve to be protected.With the system in place, her worth is incalculable.Problems that can be solved with money are better, if you can't solve it, you have to work hard and try, so even the strange grocery store can't find anything that can seduce Lianqiao.

After all, Murong Zhi still has affection for Chongxiu, when facing danger, she subconsciously stands in front of Chongxiu.Chongxiu didn't expect Murong Zhi to treat her like this, and his heart was full of emotions, but he didn't say it in the end.

"Haiwang, Professor Chong is also injured, and the divine power in his body has been completely lost. For my sake, even for Jing Yu's sake, let's just forget about this time, okay?" Murong Zhi said. One level of worship is also a level for Lian Qiao.

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "Yes, but if I see him trespassing in the Sea Palace again in the future, I will kill him."

Chongxiu's lips curled into a bitter arc.

In the future... how can there be a future?Not to mention the loss of his divine power, he only had one chance to steal that egg.Fail, and it's all over.

Although Lian Qiao didn't know why Murong Zhi suddenly appeared in Haiwang Palace, she had a faint feeling that she was not doing it for eggs. "Is there something wrong with Princess Murong?"

Only then did Murong Zhi remember her purpose for coming, and she pointed at Jing Yu. "I have something to do with him."

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows again, "Okay, let's talk, I will avoid it."

"No need." Murong Zhi hesitated for a moment, then reached out to support Chongxiu. "I'll send Professor Chong back first, and come to him later."

Lian Qiao nodded, "You arrange it."

After Lian Qiao turned to leave, Jing Yu hesitated for a moment, then followed her footsteps.After walking side by side with her for a while, Jing Yu lifted his lips: "You first used [-]% of your kung fu, and saw Zhi'er rushing towards you, and then you received [-]% abruptly. If the [-]% falls on Professor Chong, what will he do today? Could die here."

Lian Qiao tilted her head, and what caught her eyes was the almost perfect profile. "He trespassed on Sea King's Palace again and again, I have tolerated it enough."

"I can understand." So he didn't stop him.

Jing Yu held Lian Qiao's hand, "But the moment Zhi'er pounced on you, you also suffered a backlash when you forcibly withdrew your skills."

When he said this, Jing Yu's tone was tinged with distress.

Lian Qiao laughed lightly, "If I take Murong Zhi's life, the mermaid king might destroy the East China Sea."

It is also very dramatic to say that Murong Zhi saved Chongxiu, and Chongxiu also saved Murong Zhi.

Facing [-]% of her gong power and the threat of death, the two unexpectedly left the chance of life to each other.


(End of this chapter)

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