Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 888 Sea King is 5 and a half years old

Chapter 888 Sea King is Five and a Half Years Old (62)

Was it his daughter?

Chongxiu's eyes were full of shock, and Lian Qiao was quite helpless: "It's really Qingluanniao, I will try my best to save you. Just for you and Yao Qing's daughter, can you live well?"

After all, she can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, nor can she revive a person who has no desire to survive.

"But Qingqing and I... can't have children."

So when he saw the light blue egg, he didn't think about that at all.

Chongxiu hesitated to speak, and Lian Qiao couldn't help but think of that indescribable point. "You can't live without consummation, can you?"

To be honest, I don't even believe in the slightest bit of beauty.

How could it be possible that two lovers who were once in love with each other never had a good time?In Lian Qiao's cognition, when the love is deep, love between men and women is a matter of course.

Chongxiu was still hesitant to speak, Lianqiao had no choice but to ask, "That means you and Yaoqing are infertile?"

Chongxiu shook his head, "We've all taken the medicine, so we shouldn't have children."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Lian Qiao originally thought that when Chongxiu knew that Xiaohua was his and Yaoqing's daughter, not to mention she was so excited that she burst into tears, she should at least be touched and feel that she had a new sustenance in her life.But after all calculations, Lian Qiao really did not expect such an embarrassing scene.

With a helpless smile, Lian Qiao had no choice but to say: "Whether you believe it or not, the green luan bird hatched from that egg is your daughter. So you live well and cooperate with me, okay?"

He thought that the child would bring hope to Chongxiu, but after a few seconds of silence, his expression changed slightly. "So...Qingqing is gone, right?"

That egg was not Qingqing, it could only be that Qingqing sacrificed herself to protect the child.

Chongxiu's speculation coincides with the previous encounter's speculation.

Lian Qiao didn't speak, but Chong Xiu suddenly looked at her with a serious expression: "You and Jing Yu will take good care of her, right?"

"I do not know……"

"to be frank!"

Lian Qiao: "...Yes."

Chongxiu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

He slowly closed his eyes, his mind was filled with the little things he had experienced with Yao Qing.That year, Unfeeling Valley was startled, which disturbed his heart and moved his feelings.

He has been looking for Yao Qing for too long, and now he seems to know her whereabouts.

"I'm going to find my love..."

He didn't dare to die when he couldn't find Yao Qing in the past, but now he can finally find her.

Lian Qiao became more and more helpless, "But child..."



When Murong Zhi and Jing Yu rushed over, they saw Lian Qiao looking at Chongxiu's body expressionlessly.

Even children can't arouse his desire to survive, Lian Qiao really has no choice.

Murong Zhi panicked, "He..."

Lian Qiao got up and walked to Jing Yu's side, and then said: "He is a person with an exquisite heart, the condition of the spring has improved, and it should return to normal soon."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice and whispered in Jing Yu's ear, "I told him that Xiao Hua is his daughter."

"But he entrusted the child to us, didn't he?"

Lian Qiao nodded. "yes."

In a sense, this is what the situation predicts.

When Jing Yu and Lian Qiao lowered their voices to communicate, Murong Zhi knelt in front of Chong Xiu as if drained of strength.

At this time, her mood was the most complicated.She was clearly ready to turn into a spring, but when she was about to sacrifice, she suddenly found that someone had died for her.And this person was the man she couldn't love.


(End of this chapter)

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