Chapter 892 Sea King is five and a half years old (2)

"Then Xiaojin is also your daughter, she is still your own daughter. Xiaohua is not a dragon, but a light blue blue luan bird! But why do they propose marriage to Xiaohua?"

Is Xiaojin unworthy?

Although Xiaoqing is naive, she has always been polite and will not be irritable.Right now, he rarely seemed restless.

At that time, the situation was still indifferent, "What's wrong with the dragon, that is also recognized as the eldest princess in the Sea King's Palace. Besides, others don't know, you don't know? Xiaohua is the daughter of the former God of War, and she is not inferior to you in terms of blood."

After a pause, Jingyu added in a very unkind way: "Besides, don't you have any idea how powerful your own sister is? The Dragon Clan has no real monarch to inherit, otherwise maybe I will choose Xiaojin! "

Work hard and make progress, and have strong cultivation talent.Natural leadership, wise and courageous.Circumstances are certain, if Xiao Jin becomes a female monarch, she must be a generation of Mingjun.

After hearing Jingyu's words, Xiaoqing immediately thought of the scene where Xiaojin beat and cried a group of boys, and felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

That's right, the gentle and lovely Xiao Hua, the stinky and beautiful Xiao Jin who grew up but doesn't like red makeup and loves weapons when she was young, it's very clear who a man will choose to propose marriage to.

Jing Yu understood Xiaoqing's thoughts, and just because he understood, he slapped him on the back of the head. "Do you think sister Xiaojin is inferior to sister Xiaohua? Let me tell you, they are both equally good, understand?"

Xiaoqing felt the pain, and covered her head: "Understand, understand, Xiaojin scarf does not give way to men, it's those stinky men who don't understand her charm, okay?"

Jing Yu knocked him on the head again: "It's not that women don't let men down, it's that women don't need to compare themselves with men, women have their own style, understand?"

Xiaoqing hissed, "Understood! I really understand! A man shouldn't put so many shackles on a girl, right?"

He was just upset, and he was a little out of words!

Jing Yu didn't say anything more, "Get out, get out, you talk so much. When Xiao Hua gets married, there will be no one in Haiwang Palace who is willing to listen to your nonsense."

Xiaobai was too lazy to talk, so he wanted to paint it clean.Xiao Jin is able to move without making noise, and only Xiao Hua can sit there quietly, listening to Xiao Qing's words, with a smile on his face.

Xiaoqing felt a little uncomfortable suddenly. "Father, can you..."

Jing Yu put the books on the table back on the shelf, "What?"

"Can you not marry her?"

Jing Yu nodded, "Okay, your mother and I are also reluctant, and are thinking about whether we can recruit someone to marry. If it is Xiao Jin, we are not afraid of her being bullied. But Xiao Hua... just can't bear it."

The corners of Xiaoqing's mouth twitched slightly, and she pinched the center of her eyebrows helplessly: "That's not what I mean, what I mean is... I like her. Father, can you give me some time, I want to chase after Xiaohua!"

Maybe Xiaohua doesn't like him yet, but he will work hard.

Jing Yu pretended to be slightly surprised. "You like little flowers?"

Anyway, it has already been said, and Xiaoqing is not afraid to say more. "We are not related by blood, so we can be together. I like her, sure and sure. I know what she likes to eat and what books she likes to read. If she marries me, I promise to treat her well for the rest of my life.

I may not be the best, and I often fail the exams.But in the matter of loving her, I will definitely get the highest score.must! "

Jing Yu was forced to listen to such a long confession, and felt very helpless: "Then you go and tell her, what's the use of telling me?"

Stupid stone hammer.

Xiaoqing scratched her head, "If I tell you, will she be angry and ignore me?"

Situation thought about it. "probably not."

Xiaoqing: "Why?"

"Because I'm waiting for you."

Xiaoqing suddenly heard Xiaohua's voice, turned around and saw her standing at the door, her whole body was so stiff that she couldn't move.

Jing Yu felt that he was a little brighter. "Then you talk, I'll go first."

But after walking out of the room and even closing the door intimately, Jing Yu belatedly remembered... This is his study!

(End of this chapter)

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