Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 900 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 900 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (8)

The live broadcast of the birthday party always reminded Lian Qiao that when she celebrated her birthday in Haidilao, it was the scene of a large-scale social death.

In the entertainment circle, capital is the driving force behind everything.Live streaming of birthday parties can bring benefits, so the artist team will not let go of this opportunity.But it stands to reason that the original owner is not someone who is easily tied up by capital, so Lian Qiao guessed that the original owner agreed to hold this live broadcast birthday party, probably because of Kou Lin.

Even though he is at the top of the entertainment industry, he still longs for the romance of reuniting with Kou Lin.Although it was a 30-year-old appointment, why didn't the original owner want to have a result with Kou Lin earlier.

So this live broadcast birthday party is also an opportunity given by the original owner.

Who would have thought that the live broadcast of the birthday party is not the beginning of a relationship, but the end of a relationship without a problem.To be precise, it never started and never ended.

At that time, the live broadcast camera was turned on, and many people first wished Lianqiao a happy birthday, and then asked Kou Lin if he had prepared a gift.

"What kind of birthday gift?" one of the women teased, "It should be called a token of love!"

Kou Lin's hands were already stuffed into his trouser pockets, but he paused slightly when he heard this.The people next to him were even more excited when they saw this. "It can't be a ring, can it ask for marriage?"

Not only was there an uproar in the box, but even the netizens who watched the live broadcast exploded.

[Oh my god!This is truly a historic moment!I was able to watch Wang Yinghou's marriage proposal live! ]

[Originally after Wang Yinghou successfully changed careers and became a director, she lost the distance with Luan Yinghou.If she married into Kou's family again and became the second young lady, wouldn't she throw away Luan Ying's empress again?You are worthy of being my idol, and you are worthy of being Wang Yingwang! ]

[Hey, what's going on upstairs?Don't step on our family Yingying! ]
[Apologize to the upstairs first, what happened to the upstairs upstairs?Are you a real fan of Queen Wang?We Qiaoqiao fans never compare her with others! ]
[Add one upstairs, and we Qiaoqiao fans are very sensible.Qiaoqiao is not short of money or fame now, and being with Kou Ershao is not considered high-profile.We are happy for her when we are together, but if we cannot be together, we can only say that there is no destiny.Bye bye, bye bye, the next one will be better (dog head)]
[Upstairs, quickly pooh three times!If this is not together, as a mother fan, I have prepared a big knife! ! ]

Kou Lin's presents have not been brought out yet, and others are already discussing them in full swing.He knew that this birthday party would be a live broadcast, but he didn't expect it to be in such an extreme situation.

It was also at this time that he deeply understood that not only others took it seriously, but even Lian Qiao herself took the 30-year-old promise he made when he was young was serious.

Kou Lin glanced at Lian Qiao and took out a small box from his trouser pocket.

Everyone thought it was an engagement ring, but Lian Qiao watched calmly as he took out the box, opened it, and what appeared in front of everyone was a bracelet.

A gift that can't go wrong.

"Second Young Master Kou, is there any special meaning?" Someone next to him saw that it was not a ring, and immediately came to the rescue.

As long as the meaning is nice, no special bracelet can be said to be a unique token of love.It's just that Kou Lin was at a loss for words, and Lian Qiao hooked her lips: "Jiyao, put it away for me."

Jiyao, who was suddenly mentioned, froze for a moment, then stepped forward to take the box from Kou Lin's hand.

Originally, he was standing in the corner, and the live camera couldn't capture it.But when he walked in front of Kou Lin, the studio had already exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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