Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 902 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 902 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (10)

Lian Qiao took the initiative to say that bringing up the 30-year-old date is a bit difficult. It seems to be retreating, but in fact it means retreating as an advance.

At this time, Lian Qiao smiled suddenly: "It doesn't really matter, anyway, I don't care."

This is to remove himself completely from the 30-year-old appointment, so that even if Kou Lin's wife shows up with a child later, she won't look too embarrassed.

After all, in a relationship, as long as you don't care, you will never lose.

Facing the camera, Kou Lin was not as natural as Lian Qiao and Luan Ying, let alone such a difficult problem before him.

His eyes darkened slightly, and then he lifted his lips and said, "Qiaoqiao, it's been so many years, and you don't like me anymore, do you?"

What Lian Qiao said just now that she didn't care gave him hope.

Everyone forgot the 30-year-old agreement, and it would be a good ending for each to get well.

Kou Lin does not regret getting married, but is only afraid of delaying Lian Qiao's youth.

At that time, Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "You are not me, how do you know that I don't like you. Or...do you hope that I don't like you anymore?"

Kou Lin finally understood that Lian Qiao didn't care now, but she didn't want to let him go so easily.

The game between the two was watched by countless people.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and a woman in light-colored maternity clothes walked in.Five months pregnant, but full of pregnancy.No makeup, no high heels, no makeup, but it is a woman's greatest moment.

When Chen Fei appeared, she walked up to Kou Lin and called softly, "Husband."

There was an uproar in the box.

Luan Ying, who was about to stuff the grapes into her mouth, was also taken aback for a moment.She thought it would be exciting enough for Lian Qiao to fall in love with Jiyao, but she didn't expect it to be even more exciting here.

Called her husband and was still pregnant.

Kou Lin is dragging his family to attend the 30-year-old appointment.

In the entertainment circle, everyone said that Luan Ying robbed many people's resources with the backing of the financial supporter.But only she knows that the resources she grabs are all within her control.And if there is no accident, Luan Ying will give some compensation to the girl whose resources were robbed.

It doesn't matter if they have brilliant supporting roles, teach them to act in person, or give them other resources.In short, Luan Ying knows that it is not easy for a girl in this circle. She is a bad person who robs other people's resources, but she is the one who loves female artists the most.

At this moment, Luan Ying was suddenly glad that Lian Qiao had taken a fancy to Ji Yao.Otherwise, Kou Lin dragged his family to the birthday party, and said in front of all the netizens that he was married, and the 30-year-old date would not count, what kind of Lian Qiao would be... despair and pain.

The interest in Luan Ying's eyes dissipated a bit, "What does Second Young Master Kou mean by this? How come you even called your husband for the 30-year-old appointment?"

When Luan Ying spoke, she didn't look at Chen Fei, but kept her eyes on Kou Lin.

Everything in the past has become clouds and smoke.

Kou Lin was silent for a while, nodded slightly to Lianqiao, and then took Chen Fei's hand. "Sorry, I'm already married, this is my wife Chen Fei."

Clean and neat, without any muddy water.

In a sense, the 30-year-old agreement is nothing more than a verbal agreement.What's more, youth is absurd, and no one knows what will happen after they go their separate ways.When they reunited several years later, Kou Lin did not hide the fact that he was married.

But the original owner in the original plot lost all hope, left the hotel in grief, and even got into a car accident.Tragedy still happened.

The only blame is that the 30-year-old appointment was too romantic and messed up the original owner's heart.The only blame is that the original owner underestimated the time and also overestimated his own position in Kou Lin's heart.


(End of this chapter)

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