Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 905 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 905 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (13)

Holding the steering wheel, Liang Xiao thought of the waiter in the hotel named Jiyao. "Miss Wang, you and that Jiyao..."

"Did I not speak clearly enough?" Lian Qiao lowered her head and swiped open the phone screen, "I told him that I fell in love with him when I was in the hotel."

"But he..."

Inappropriate, very inappropriate.

Apart from being young and having an outstanding appearance, Liang Xiao didn't see anything that could attract Lian Qiao.

Lian Qiao turned her head and glanced at Liang Xiao, "What do you want to say? Say he is not suitable, that he is just a waiter, that he has nothing but his face, or that he is not good enough for me?"

Liang Xiao paused, "Isn't it? With Miss Wang's current status, don't you think it's too hasty to choose Jiyao?"

Wang Lianqiao is not Luan Ying. If Luan Ying says she likes Jiyao, Liang Xiao can still understand it as a joke, but if Lianqiao says she likes Jiyao, it may not be for fun.

"Miss Wang, are you serious?" Liang Xiao asked with the last hope.

Lian Qiao actually didn't need to explain too much about her relationship with others, but Liang Xiao asked sincerely, so she said one more sentence: "My identity is also obtained through hard work. I work so hard, no Is it just so that one day I can embrace the person I like without hesitation?"

It doesn't matter if the party is rich or poor, as long as it is what she likes.

In other words, hard work is in exchange for freedom, in order to have the freedom of choice.

Liang Xiao finally confirmed that Lian Qiao was serious.Frowning slightly, he said, "Does Ji Yao know?"

"I still do not know yet."

"But if you're together, everyone will think it's an unequal relationship. To put it mildly... it's Bao Yang."

To be honest, Liang Xiao is very sensitive to the word "support" because he is Luan Ying's manager, and Luan Ying and her benefactor actually have such an shady relationship.

As a manager, even a manager sent by the benefactor, Liang Xiao could only watch helplessly as she kept in touch with the benefactor on a regular basis.At this moment, when he expressed his concerns, he also hoped that Lian Qiao would not be affected by these two words.

Lian Qiao chuckled, "It's just public opinion, just don't take it to heart."

Besides, she and Jiyao haven't officially known each other yet, so it's too early to say this.

Liang Xiao quickly sent her home according to the address provided by Lian Qiao.After returning to the residence, Lian Qiao took a shower and went back to the bedroom in a suspender nightgown.

On the bedside table in the bedroom, a photo of the original owner and Kou Lin at the film school is so conspicuous.Lian Qiao turned the photo frame back on the table, and accidentally saw the diary under the pillow.

I only glanced at a few pages, and it was full of longing and admiration for Kou Lin.

Lian Qiao felt sorry for the original owner, and she was a silly girl hurt by love, but she could only save the original owner's last face.If Kou Lin had made it clear to the original owner that he would definitely come back and marry her when he was 30 years old.A few years later, Kou Lin had a family abroad, and Lian Qiao was able to kill Kou Lin, a scumbag, to seek justice for her.

But this is not the case. Although the 30-year-old agreement between the original owner and Kou Lin is romantic, it is not binding. At the age of 30, you were not married and I was not married. If you are married or have been married, the one who waits can only be said to be a pity.

Take a step back and say, how can a person who really likes you be willing to wait for you, and may make you wait until you lose, leaving you with nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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