Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 923 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 923 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (31)

Ji Yao didn't bring a lot of luggage, and Lian Qiao also inadvertently checked his ID card. At the age of 23, not only is he an adult, but he has even reached the legal age for marriage.

But at this moment, Jiyao was sitting by the bed, with clear eyes, fair skin and clean temperament, and a faint scent of shower gel on his body. If he was wearing a school uniform, no one would doubt that he was a school boy.

With such a good skin, Lian Qiao thought that boys should protect themselves outside.

Between eating him and waiting a few days to eat him, Lian Qiao chose the latter. "Go to bed early, there are still a few scenes to be filmed with your brother tomorrow."

Lian Qiao raised her hand to turn off the light, and the room was dark.In the next second, Ji Yao had thrown her down.

In the dark, the senses of touch and hearing are more sensitive.The warm breath fell on Lian Qiao's neck, and Ji Yao's voice fell on his ears, which seemed to be a little lower than usual: "Sister, can I not go to the scene of tomorrow's play?"

Before the lights are turned off, the roots of the ears are still red, and after the lights are turned off, the little milk dog turns into a little wolf dog?
It's just that Ji Yao's arms were propped on the bed, and his body was leaning forward. Although his posture was ambiguous, he didn't touch her in the slightest.

Lian Qiao smiled, stretched out her arms and wrapped them around Jiyao's neck, and then casually led them in her direction.

So due to inertia, Jiyao threw himself on her body firmly.

Originally, it was just talking next to Lian Qiao's ear, and her warm breath hit her neck, but now Ji Yao kissed her neck by the way.

Lian Qiao pursed her lips in satisfaction: "Don't flirt with my sister, she will eat you till there is not even a scum left."

Jiyao: "..."

Although it was dark in the room, after a long time, people's eyes can gradually adapt to this darkness.

Ji Yao was stunned for a moment, then felt the skin under his lips was smooth and delicate, he opened his mouth slightly...

Lian Qiao was bitten, it didn't hurt, but it was crispy and soft.

She thought of Ji Yao's question just now, and said, "I don't mind if you go to the shooting scene, but I don't know if your brother can do it."

With Jiyao here, even if the kiss scene is a borrowing, and the bed scene is just a few flashes, Jilan is probably tiptoeing.

Jiyao suddenly lowered his head, bit Lianqiao's collarbone a few small bites, and then said sullenly: "Then I won't go."

"Well, good."


The next day's shooting plan proceeded as normal.

In the dressing room, Lian Qiao had already changed into the costume of the character Jiang Yue.According to the character design, Ji Sanye is wearing a blue shirt, and Jiang Yue is wearing an old-fashioned satin skirt.Although the old-fashioned satin skirt is not as sexy as Tang Jun's cheongsam, it complements her freshness, gentleness, tranquility and elegance.

At this time, Lian Qiao was sitting in front of the mirror, pulling up her neckline from time to time.

Although nothing happened between her and Jiyao last night, there were still some traces left.

The filming of the first two scenes went smoothly, Ji Lan also used borrowed seats when kissing Lian Qiao's forehead.Even so, the people present were still shocked by the picture in the camera.

Not only amazed at the appearance of the popular actor and actress, but also how good the CP of Ji Sanye and Jiang Yue are so good, through the lens, you can see the smile on their lips and the love in their eyes.

It's just that how sweet the first two scenes are, how cruel the last two scenes are.

In the camera, Lian Qiao, who was traveling alone, was kidnapped by several men.Struggling, confusion, cries for help, and the sound of clothes being torn apart, there are only a few shots, but what happened is self-evident.

In the fourth scene, Lian Qiao is bound to reveal a small piece of skin.When Ji Lan saw the hickey marks on her body, her temples twitched.

His younger brother is really an expert, this time it's a good thing, it saves the make-up team to do it.

 Merry Christmas everyone.

  This book is almost finished, although the update is slow... But the pigeon will not abandon the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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