Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 929 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 929 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (37)

After Lian Qiao and Jiyao's official announcement, Liu Cui also made a fuss on the Internet for a while.It's just that her combat effectiveness is simply the scum of the scum in front of Lian Qiao's many true fans.

As the fans said, "We have accompanied Qiaoqiao all the way. What black fans have never been ripped off? Which one has not been ripped off? Criticism is fine, but rumors and slander are not acceptable. It is fine to express opinions, but public opinion must not be harmful Nifty weapon!"

Lian Qiao has a huge number of fans, even "organized" and "disciplined".He may not speak much at ordinary times, but once he is called upon, he has the momentum to rule the entertainment industry.

In addition, most of Lian Qiao's fans are girls who are already working.Not a lot of time to surf the web, but a lot of money in hand.

So they bought Lian Qiao's magazines, they went to see movies after they were filmed, and they went shopping when they got endorsements. For this reason, Lian Qiao was abruptly pushed to the top of the list of commercial value.

There is such a group of fans who spend money on ordinary days, but who are strong in fighting at critical moments, and other stars in the entertainment circle are really jealous.

Of course, the love between fans and idols should go both ways.There are all kinds of weird things in the entertainment circle, and all kinds of landslides make fans' hearts tremble.Only Lian Qiao's fans can feel at ease, if there is any black material about her sister, she can wash up and sleep with peace of mind.

Lian Qiao has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she has long been a god.And Luan Meng first entered the entertainment circle, and became popular with Lian Qiao's movie, and more or less touched the cheese of Xiao Hua from other families.

When the overwhelming manuscripts began to reveal the black material of Luan Meng, the first one who couldn't sit still was Luan Ying.

First, I opened a tuba and tore up a call on the Internet, and then called Lian Qiao.

It was one o'clock in the morning at that time, Lian Qiao and Jiyao were woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone not long after falling asleep after finishing certain things.

Lian Qiao was too tired to open her eyes. After answering the phone, she closed her eyes helplessly: "What time is it? Is Luan Yinghou calling too much at this time?"

Disturbing people's dreams in the middle of the night, Luan Ying sneered twice: "Oh, I'm so used to my work and rest, I forgot that you are still sleeping at this time. Let me make a long story short, does Director Wang have any plans to open a company to sign artists? Yeah? If you can sign my sister, let me do anything."

Luan Ying thought about it, if she wanted to find someone to protect Luan Meng, there was no one more suitable than Lian Qiao in the entire entertainment industry.

Firstly, Luan Meng had already shown her face in a movie directed by Lian Qiao, and secondly, Lian Qiao was a woman, and she was an important woman in the entertainment industry.

At that time, Lian Qiao leaned in Jiyao's arms, closed her eyes and hummed: "Okay, let me take your sister with you, what benefits can you do me?"

On the other end of the phone, Luan Ying heard Lian Qiao's extremely sleepy and slightly hoarse voice.

Suddenly something came to mind, and a bit of teasing was added to his tone. "What benefits can I give to Director Wang? When will Director Wang like women, and then I will recommend myself as a pillow?"

Lian Qiao: "..."

You don't have to.

Speaking of which, the original owner has been a director for so many years, and if she wants to further her career, Lian Qiao thought it would be a good idea to start her own company and become the boss.

Signing some artists with real acting skills can be regarded as using her power to create a pure land in the entertainment industry.

As an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry, Lian Qiao will always be noticed no matter what she does.

So as soon as the news about starting a company and signing an artist got out, more people wanted to buy shares, and more resumes were submitted.


(End of this chapter)

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