Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 931 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today?

Chapter 931 Is the Movie Queen Officially Announced Today (39)

The news of Luan Ying's withdrawal from the circle was like a stone thrown into a pool, immediately causing waves.

In the next few days, Liang Xiao was so busy that he did not touch the ground, dealing with various matters of compensation for breach of contract.

Luan Ying acted as if nothing had happened, "Compensate what should be paid. Half of the remaining money will be given to Wang Lianqiao after the compensation is completed, and the rest will be donated."

Liang Xiao wiped the sweat off his head, thinking that if his aunt opened her mouth, he would really lose his leg.

When Lian Qiao received the money from Liang Xiao, she smiled and shook her head: "She really wants to quit?"

Liang Xiao pursed his lips, "It should be."

Although it seems to be a whim, but who knows if it has been tired and tired for a long time.

Lian Qiao sighed softly: "It's fine if you retire, you can take a good rest for a while. I'll accept the money, and Luan Meng is with me to reassure her.

By the way, she quit the circle, what are your plans for the future? "

To be precise, Liang Xiao was the manager who was sent by the gold master to Luan Ying's side. Now that Luan Ying had withdrawn suddenly, the gold master really didn't care about him for a while.

"How about this, I don't need an agent by my side. If you agree, Luan Ying has no objections, and I will help you pay the liquidated damages of the contract."

Chuxin Entertainment has just been established, just when it needs manpower.

When Liang Xiao relayed this to Luan Ying, the atmosphere was really awkward.

"Okay, my sister is at Chuxin Entertainment, and the manager is also going to Chuxin Entertainment." Luan Ying smiled angrily, "What else does she want? Otherwise, I won't quit the circle, and I will go to Chuxin Entertainment too?"

Unexpectedly, Liang Xiao coughed lightly: "Miss Wang said so."

Luan Ying: "..."

Lian Qiao intended to invite her, so she came to the door the next day.

Luan Ying stopped joking and explained seriously. "I really don't want to do it anymore, I'm too tired. I've won all the prizes that should be won, and all the men who want to sleep have slept. If you become famous, you can earn almost the money.

But Wang Lianqiao, I still envy you. "

Even though she won the Best Actress before Lian Qiao, even if her resources were obtained effortlessly, even if her name was the only one in the entertainment industry that could be put together with Lian Qiao, she still envied Lian Qiao.

"I envy you. You have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, you have gone through thousands of sails, and you still have the ability to love."

And she really doesn't have the ability to love.I really don't want to love someone, let alone be loved.

Envy this emotion, everyone has some more or less.But if you want to live happily, you can't let your envy turn into jealousy, and then into hatred.

After all, there is a word called contentment.

After all, sometimes I envy others, but I don't know that I am also the scenery in the eyes of others.

Lian Qiao smiled slightly and asked Luan Ying: "If you quit the circle, what do you plan to do in the future?"

She and the original owner both went to film school, and they both like acting.

This sudden withdrawal, Lian Qiao didn't know what Luan Ying would do.

"I plan to find a small town with a nice view, open a flower shop, and be a proprietress. Oh, by the way, Mr. Wang has to work hard. I'm still waiting for Mr. Wang's dividend every month."

Lian joked with a joking smile: "You chose a leisurely path."

A small town with beautiful scenery, accompanied by breeze, sunshine and fragrance of flowers every day.Not short of money and free, isn't this the retirement life people dream of?

"Yeah, no filming, no need to run announcements, I can finally sleep until I wake up naturally."

Finally, Luan Ying said again: "Wang Lianqiao, goodbye."

Goodbye, entertainment circle.

In the future, she really doesn't have to please anyone anymore.


(End of this chapter)

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