space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1018 Water defense battle

Chapter 1018 Water Defense Battle ([-])

After listening to the cause and effect, the village chief knew that something was wrong and dared not be negligent. He immediately checked the village and found that there were no strangers in every household. The whole family was at home in winter, but one family in the village left relatives and went to General Tie to guard the door. There are three households where the labor force went to work in the fields or on the mountains and stayed overnight. Only the elderly, the weak, women and children were the housekeepers.

Qian Yimao felt something was wrong when he heard it. It was okay to spend the night in the mountains because of hunting traps to guard the prey. What kind of farm work in the fields can only be done overnight in this season?It's not the time of irrigation and harvest to watch the night to guard the fields and water.

After further questioning, I found out that the widows who went to spend the night in the fields had the habit of fertilizing the fields in the winter slack. This was the case every year, and this year was no exception. When do you come back, it is common to spend the night in the thatched hut by the field, because of her habit, there are rumors of her being unruly and provoking men every year, but she is the only strong worker in the family, and everyone depends on her One person farms to support the family, so before the son was young, the whole family had to endure a sigh of relief to live on.

Now that the son is married, the daughter-in-law is pregnant with the first child, and the grandparents are still there, the widow, who has become a mother-in-law, has a sad life at home. I can go out and hide for a while by doing the work in the field.

Qian Yimao doesn't comment on the housework of raising a family of white-eyed wolves. He is only worried that a widow who spends the night by the field will be in danger. No matter how strong the peasant woman is, it is okay to fight with one man, but it is difficult for more than two men.

Immediately, Qian Yimao asked the village chief to lead the way and go to the edge of the field to have a look. It would be best if nothing happened.

The village chief called for the widow's son, and led the officers and soldiers to his own field. From afar, he saw a woman standing in the field and wielding a dung spoon.

"Auntie Da Niu, right? We are Bai Jiajun, don't be nervous, we just want to ask you a few words, and we will leave after we finish." Qian Yimao said standing in front of the widow.

"I haven't finished my homework yet, do I have to ask now?" Auntie Da Niu was holding a long-handled ladle with a timid look on her face. The standard appearance of a rural woman is obviously young, less than 40 years old, but her face is full Deep wrinkles and graying hair.

"Yes, I have to ask now, and we will leave after asking."

"Well, let's talk in that room, it's windy outside."

Auntie Da Niu put the spoon against the wall, and greeted the officers and soldiers to enter the small thatched hut, where they sat on the simple hay bed. impatient.

There is only a hay bed built against the wall in the thatched hut. There is no window, and the light comes from the open door. On the other side of the wall opposite the bed, there are dead leaves and branches and other dry firewood piled up. There is a gap in the firewood now. The pottery pot and the simple stone stove are outside the door. At this time, a fire is lit to bring a little light into the house.

With a sweeping view of the house, there was no one else except them. Qian Yimao and the village chief breathed a sigh of relief while still asking a bunch of questions.

When asking questions about strangers, Auntie Da Niu shook her head and denied it. She was working in the field alone, and she could see anyone coming nearby, but this day she only saw urchins chasing and playing , I didn't see any adults, let alone any strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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