space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1444 Winter Solstice Festival Sea God

Chapter 1444 Winter Solstice Sacrifice to Sea God ([-])

"All right, all right, as long as you think it's good, let's talk about business." Shen Dahai resolutely refused to talk to Qi Ke.

"Okay, let's talk, what's the big trouble at the celebration that you have to leave me to deal with it?"

"You said don't go to crowded places."

"There are so many people, do you need me to contribute my own manpower to prevent the overcrowding? Is it the request of the Yamen or the request of the Thousand Households?"

"Qianhusuo, didn't you bring a pack of wolves with you?"

"Ah, I've seen the abilities of the wolves." Qi Ke understood, with a teasing smile on his lips, "Isn't the local yamen responsible for this kind of public security defense? The army also wants to participate?"

"Isn't this the recent easing of the relationship with the local government? The yamen also knows that they are short of manpower, so they asked thousands of households for help. It just so happens that you haven't left yet. If you want to control the excited people and don't riot, your wolves are comparable to our human voices. Works."

"The yamen is like a big enemy, has something happened before?"

"Accidents happen every year."

"People who have accidents every year haven't learned their lesson? Don't you know not to get too close to the crowd when watching the excitement?"

"As for the scene of the big parade with gongs and drums, everyone's brains were feverish, and they all wanted to get close to the sacrificial procession to reap the blessings. Under the crowd, how could anyone remember to stay away when watching the excitement? Aren't they all afraid of leaving? Are you lucky if you are far away?" Shen Dahai clapped his hands together, "Accidents happen every year, and we had someone help us at the celebration last year. We collected the corpse on the beach, and the appearance of death was very consistent. It was a fall in the crowd and then died again. When I got up, countless feet stepped on my body the moment I fell, and I was trampled to death like this."

"Then I'm also afraid that the wolves will be trampled to death by the excited people."

"No, we have agreed with the yamen. Your pack of wolves will follow the sacrificial offerings. Anyone who comes forward will bite him. As long as you don't bite him to death, it's fine. A little injury is better than death. You don't know this How frightening is this scene, the people in front have already touched the sacrificial offering and even forced the sacrificial line to stop, while those behind are still pressing on, the frontmost people have nowhere to hide and cannot let go, so as not to be trampled Death is also squeezed to death, and the appearance of death is terrible."

"That's right, the yamen and the thousand households will have to affix their seals on the document, indicating that you all know and instruct my wolves to participate in maintaining order. Anyone who tries to cross the security line of the wolves and touches the sacrificial sacrifice deserves to be bitten. I don't take any responsibility." Empty words are nothing but words, otherwise someone will be bitten, and the family members will shout for grievances at the gate of the yamen, and it will be a joke.

"Okay, okay, it's a deal, I'll go back and make a written statement." Shen Haihai left with a smile on his face.

I don’t know if the yamen was worried that he was slow, and Qi Ke regretted leaving. The next day, Shen Dahai sent a contract signed by both the military and the government, inviting Qi Ke to bring the wolves to participate in the Winter Solstice Festival to protect the sacrificial team. The mission is to prevent the excited people from rushing towards the sacrificial procession to cause commotion in the crowd. When necessary, the wolves can bite people as a deterrent, and Qi Ke has nothing to do with the injured.

With this exemption contract, Qi Ke stayed at ease again, waiting for the winter solstice celebration.

Everything in Donglin County was done step by step. The first delivery of clothes, quilts and heating stoves to be delivered before the beginning of winter began on the third day after Qi Ke arrived in Fu County.

Since there is no business for her to rush back to deal with, it is not a big deal for her to stay in Fu County for a few more days. She said that she wanted to leave before because there is nothing else going on here, so she wanted to go back early and take charge of her largest territory. The production and life in Liangshui Town, but in fact, Fu County, which still has the end of the autumn tiger's power, does not feel like winter at all, which makes Qi Ke, who is still wearing unlined clothes, reluctant to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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